






发布者: sunnyHU | 发布时间: 2013-7-31 16:38| 查看数: 725| 评论数: 0|

In China it’s tough to make a play in a developed industry with entrenched interests and state-run giants often standing in the way of would-be new market entrants.


But the government seems to be behind a recent set of moves by Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. that make a part of its operations look more like a bank than e-commerce champion.

但阿里巴巴集团(Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.)近来的一系列行动似乎得到了中国政府的撑腰。这些行动让该集团的部分业务看起来更像是银行,而不是电子商务业的领导者。

On Monday, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange released a statement confirming that Alibaba can now tap investors directly to finance its loans to small and medium enterprises that use its e-commerce platform. The approval will likely help Alibaba’s loan program grow and defray risk to investors willing to invest in a product comprised of small Alibaba loans made according to its massive data records of the behavior of businesses that use its site to do business.

周一,深圳证券交易所(Shenzhen Stock Exchange)发布公告证实,阿里巴巴现在可直接利用投资者来为它发放给其电子商务平台上中小企业的贷款融资。此举获批可能会帮助阿里巴巴贷款项目的发展,并将风险转移给愿意投资由阿里巴巴小微贷款构成的一款产品的投资者。阿里巴巴凭借有关其电子商务平台上企业行为的庞大数据记录而发放贷款。

Within the statement, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange linked the approval directly to a June meeting of China’s cabinet, known as the State Council, that called for greater access to credit for small and medium enterprises. Though the statement doesn’t say the State Council mentioned Alibaba directly, the call is one of a number of recent positive signs for the company as it seeks to use its e-commerce acumen to shake up China’s financial industry.


In June, Alibaba got verbal support from China’s securities regulator for a separate product that allows users of its online payment affiliate Alipay to deposit extra money they have stored online into a money-market fund. The comments came despite a statement from the regulator that the service wasn’t in full compliance with Chinese regulations and further paperwork would need to be filed.


Also in June, Jack Ma, the founder of the Chinese e-commerce giant, said in an interview in the Communist Party mouthpiece newspaper, the People’s Daily, that the Internet would prove a key tool for reform of China’s financial system, which he said failed to serve 80% of the people.

中共喉舌《人民日报》也在今年6月刊登了一篇对阿里巴巴创立者马云(Jack Ma)的采访。马云说,互联网将被证明是中国金融系统改革的关键工具。他说,有80%的客户没有得到中国金融系统的服务。

Calling China’s financial regulators “excessive,” Mr. Ma added, 'it's hard for us to change history, but we could change the future. We would only have a chance 10 years later if we start to prepare now. It might be problematic that we introduce opening right now, but today's problem could become an accomplishment 10 years from now.”


Though the interview was marked off as opinion, it was carried out by a high-ranking reporter with the paper, underlying its import. It is also unlikely such a key figure as Mr. Ma would release such a direct criticism of the financial system without some form of high-level backing.


Given widely stated prescriptions for China’s slowing economy by economists, it also makes sense for the government to back Alibaba’s new efforts. The company said average interest on its loans to small businesses is just 6.7%, well below what smaller companies could expect to pay to borrow money through other channels. Since the company began distributing loans three years ago, it has lent out more than 100 billion yuan despite an average loan value of 40,000 yuan. The average length of Alibaba’s loans is 123 days while non-performing loans amount to just 0.87% of total loans distributed as of the second quarter, according to the company.


That means Alibaba is not only giving out cheap, short-term loans to the small businesses that have historically proven one of the most dynamic parts of China’s economy. It means the company is also doing a good job of picking which companies will pay those loans back. Given the government’s recent efforts to stamp risky underground lending that flourishes due to the lack of credit available to many smaller companies, the Alibaba solution indeed doesn’t look like a bad one at all, though of course its current scale is far too small to have a big impact on China’s economy.


Nonetheless, current signs point to the government being open to the experiment. Of course if Alibaba’s efforts pick up steam in a more significant way, it may start to see more pushback from the big banks and powerful regulatory institutions that dominate the finance industry.


The Shenzhen Stock Exchange statement said that Alibaba, in cooperation with Orient Securities Co., can issue 10 products to raise a total of 2 billion yuan to 5 billion yuan ($324 million to $809 million) over the next three years. The statement also said it was the first time such a product would be listed, calling it an “important” step, but also one with risks, which the exchange will ensure are monitored properly.

深圳证券交易所在公告中说,阿里巴巴与东方证券(Orient Securities Co.)合作,可在未来三年内发行10期产品,总计筹集人民币20亿至50亿元(3.24亿至8.09亿美元)。公告还说,这是此类产品首次挂牌,说这是一个重要举措,但也存在风险,证交所将确保风险得到适当监管。

The new product allows Alibaba to break those loans up and sell them to investors, defraying risk and potentially allowing Alibaba to increase with ease the scale of its loans. The statement also said the new products would help Alibaba better service the “real economy” by providing financial services to small businesses. Analysts often point out that China’s largest banks focus too heavily on giving loans to the country’s largest state-run enterprises and well-connected businessmen.


On Monday, an Alibaba Group spokesperson said “these asset securitization plans will further enhance Alibaba's ability to serve small businesses and contribute to the development of China's economy by leveraging resources from different sources.”



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