






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-8-7 11:30| 查看数: 703| 评论数: 0|

The shoot-'em-up action movie '2 Guns' outdrew the competition at the box office this weekend, while the international performance of 'The Smurfs 2' allowed the tiny blue creatures to live another day.

枪战片《双龙出手》(2 Guns)上周末力克群雄,在北美票房拔得头筹。《蓝精灵2》(The Smurfs 2)在海外市场上的表现使得这些蓝色小生物能继续留在影院里。

Starring Denzel Washington and Mark Wahlberg as a pair of undercover officers hunting down a drug lord, '2 Guns' collected an estimated $27.4 million in the U.S. and Canada from Friday to Sunday. The weekend's other big release, 'The Smurfs 2,' opened in third place with $18.2 million, while 'The Wolverine' dropped 59% in its second week of release but still took the No. 2 spot with $21.7 million.

丹泽尔•华盛顿(Denzel Washington)和马克•沃尔伯格(Mark Wahlberg)在《双龙出手》中饰演追捕大毒枭的卧底警官。据估计,该片从上周五至周日在美国和加拿大斩获了2,740万美元的票房收入。上周上映的另一部大片《蓝精灵2》以1,820万美元居票房排行榜第三位,《金刚狼2》(The Wolverine)上映第二周票房下滑59%,但仍以2,170万美元居第二位。

Two Guns' attracted slightly more women than men and appealed to an older crowd, with 77% 25 years or older. The movie attracted a 'good diverse mix,' said Nikki Rocco, president of domestic distribution at Comcast Corp.'s CMCSA -0.26% Universal Pictures, with 14% of opening weekend tickets bought by Hispanic moviegoers and 28% by African Americans. The movie was financed by the Emmett/Furla Films production company for $61 million and distributed in the U.S. by Universal Pictures and by eOne in Canada.

《双龙出手》吸引的女性略多于男性,观影者整体年龄偏大,其中77%为25岁或以上。康卡斯特(Comcast Corp.)旗下环球影业公司(Universal Pictures)负责国内发行的总裁罗科(Nikki Rocco)说,该片观众十分多元化,上映首周末拉美裔观众占14%,非裔美国人占28%。这部电影由制片公司Emmett/Furla Films出资,制作成本为6,100万美元,环球影业负责其美国发行,eOne负责加拿大发行。

'2 Guns' gives Universal its seventh No. 1 opening so far this year and some good news after the July flop 'R.I.P.D.' broke a streak of summer hits that include 'Fast and Furious 6' and 'Despicable Me 2.'

《双龙出手》是环球影业年初至今第七部首周末票房成绩登顶的影片,也是7月份票房惨淡的《冥界警局》(R.I.P.D.)打破一系列暑期卖座大片浪潮之后的好消息。那些卖座电影包括《速度与激情6》(Fast and Furious 6)和《神偷奶爸2》(Despicable Me 2)。

It was a more complicated story for 'The Smurfs 2' from Sony Corp.'s 6758.TO +1.46% Sony Pictures Animation, which proved to be a healthy export but weak at home.

索尼公司(Sony Corp.)旗下索尼动画(Sony Pictures Animation)出品的《蓝精灵2》的情况则更为复杂。该片在北美市场以外取得了不错的成绩,但在北美却出师不利。

The animated sequel opened on Wednesday and took in a low $27.8 million in its first five days. 'We're a little disappointed domestically,' said Rory Bruer, president of worldwide distribution at Sony Pictures Entertainment.

这部动画续集上周三开画,前五天仅吸金2,780万美元。索尼影视娱乐公司(Sony Pictures Entertainment)全球发行总裁布鲁尔(Rory Bruer)说,我们对该片北美票房成绩有点失望。

But the weak domestic opening for 'The Smurfs 2'─about half what the original opened to in 2011─was offset by a stronger international performance of $52.5 million that dipped only 4% from the original's international take. The studio said on Sunday that a third Smurfs movie is now being developed.


Like the 2011 original, 'The Smurfs 2' will make most of its money overseas. The first movie grossed $142.6 million domestically and $421 million internationally.



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