






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-8-12 10:00| 查看数: 838| 评论数: 1|

Maybe it could have used ketchup.


Dutch scientists on Monday unveiled a hamburger made from beef grown in a lab -- not raised on a farm -- that was then cooked and eaten at a West London arts and television studio.

荷兰科学家周一展示了一个汉堡,其中所用牛肉是在实验室培育而成,而非农场养殖。这块牛肉饼在西伦敦(West London)一个综艺和电视演播室经过烹饪后被试吃。

The lab-grown burger, unveiled from under a silver warming dish, was nestled in a clear circular dish.


It appeared to have the texture of raw ground beef but was given its pink hue from red beet juice and saffron. The patty, which also contained breadcrumbs and a binder to hold the meat together, was fried in sunflower oil and butter and taste-tested by a food writer and a food scientist who weren't involved in the research, at a news briefing in front of an audience of about 200.


The testers described the patty as largely having the texture and juiciness of meat, though not the intense flavor typical of beef. They said the burger needed seasoning. (Reporters weren't given the opportunity to taste the meat because there wouldn't have been enough for everyone, an event organizer said.)


The multiyear project, which cost over 250,000 euros ($332,000) and produced the single patty, was funded by Google co-founder Sergey Brin.

这个项目持续多年,花费超过25万欧元(合33.2万美元),最终才得到这一块肉饼。谷歌(Google)创始人布林(Sergey Brin)为该项目提供了资金。

The idea of growing meat in the laboratory has long appealed to some scientists and environmental experts for sustainability and ethical reasons. One United Nations study estimates that 70% of agricultural land is used to raise livestock. A single cell taken from an animal can multiply into 40 billion cells in the lab. But the endeavor to produce lab-cultured meat has been expensive, and the texture and taste of real meat are difficult to replicate.

鉴于可持续性和道义上的原因,在实验室培育肉的想法长久以来一直吸引着一些科学家和环保专家。据联合国(United Nations)一份研究报告估计,70%的农业用地被用来饲养家畜。从动物身上提取的单个细胞经实验室培育繁殖可变成400亿个细胞。但生产人造肉价格不菲,而且很难复制真肉的质地和口感。

Monday's demonstration was meant to be a proof of concept, according to Mark Post, the professor of physiology at Maastricht University in the Netherlands who spearheaded the research. It may be another decade or two before lab-grown beef is stocked in grocery stores, he said.

荷兰马斯特里赫特大学(Maastricht University)生理学教授波斯特(Mark Post)表示,周一的展示活动意在验证这个概念。他说,人造牛肉出现在杂货店里可能还需要10年或20年时间。波斯特是此项研究的负责人。

The cultured beef, composed of muscle cells, was grown in the lab by harvesting a sample of muscle tissue from a cow. The tissue was cut into small pieces and separated into fat and muscle cells.


The individual muscle-specific stem cells were grown in the shape of a ring and cut so they formed strands. These strands were layered to form sheets of tissue to get the consistency of beef.


Growing the muscle cells that form meat is relatively easy, according to Dr. Post. Muscle cells divide and organize on their own if they are grown in the proper environment and given an anchor point, like a tendon.


Still, Dr. Post and his small team of colleagues had to figure out which type of nutrient solution and which type of anchor could best support the growth of the cells.


Meat from animals also includes fat and tendons. The scientists now are trying to grow fat as well, which is thought to contribute to the distinctive taste of meat.


'Taste is a very complex issue,' said Dr. Post.



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