






发布者: sunnyHU | 发布时间: 2013-8-19 17:12| 查看数: 698| 评论数: 0|

The message is clear: BlackBerry is probably finished as a standalone company. The woebegone pioneer in mobile email has announced the ominous “strategic alternatives” process. That may culminate in the sale of the company or a tie-up with a heftier competitor. But the company’s flagging prospects are nothing new, so shareholders are right to wonder if BlackBerry would have been better off putting up the for-sale sign months ago.


Not necessarily. Two things stand out from the latest smartphone market share statistics from IDC. First, the latest BlackBerry devices, introduced to great fanfare, are not catching on. Blackberry’s mobile market share in the latest quarter slipped to below 3 per cent. Second, the market share data also show that there is space for a third mobile operating system after Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android.

未必如此。国际数据公司(IDC)有关智能手机市场份额的最新统计数据有两点引人关注。首先,黑莓大张旗鼓推出的最新款手机,并未获得市场热烈反响。黑莓在最近一个季度市场份额下滑至3%以下。其次,市场份额数据还显示,在苹果(Apple)手机iOS操作系统和谷歌(Google) Android系统之后,还有充足空间留给第三大手机操作系统。

Windows mobile actually doubled its shipments to nearly 9m phones, primarily through sales of Nokia devices. This traction that Windows found is what BlackBerry was after. With a sizeable base of existing users (more than 70m people) and with a device that was favourably reviewed, BlackBerry had a puncher’s chance of survival. So it was right to go for the bronze medal when it had the chance.


Before the latest sale rumours, BlackBerry shares traded about $9. The shares had traded near $16 earlier this year on the optimism around BlackBerry 10 but faded on the poor results. But $9 is still a third higher than where its shares bottomed in the past 12 months.


And the company’s current cash balance of $3bn – or almost $6 per share – is a billion higher than a year ago. Intellectual property if sold may have better retained its value as well.


Things did not work out for BlackBerry. But taking its best shot was the correct choice.



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