






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-8-21 08:04| 查看数: 932| 评论数: 0|

American officials meeting with top Chinese defense officials at the Pentagon on Monday hailed Beijing's new willingness to expand military engagements.


The U.S. officials said they were heartened by their Chinese counterparts' openness toward concrete steps to improve cooperation between the two countries, including exchanges between the two defense departments' planning staffs, as well as increased cooperation on humanitarian and counterpiracy exercises.


The visit was the first by China's defense chief, Gen. Chang Wanquan. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel also said he would travel to China next year, and the military would continue a series of high-level talks aimed at increasing military cooperation.

此次是中国国防部长常万全首次出访美国。美国国防部长哈格尔(Chuck Hagel)还说,他将于明年访华,两国军方将继续展开一系列高层对话,以增强军事合作。

A senior U.S. official said that while Washington isn't so naive to think relations will improve immediately, Chinese military leaders seemed more open than their predecessors and intent on at least signaling a stylistic change. 'There is a sense the new Chinese administration is more willing to contemplate engagement on a deeper level,' the official said.


Officials from both sides acknowledged that there are a series of disputes around the Asian-Pacific region that are likely to continue to be troublesome.


'No one should fantasize that China would barter away our core interests, and no one should underestimate our will and determination in defending our territory, sovereignty and maritime rights,' Gen. Chang said.


In addition to discussions on expanding military exercises and exchanges, the two sides discussed accusations of cyberespionage. U.S. officials have accused the Chinese military of using cyberattacks to steal information and technology from the American government and companies.


While the U.S. has pressed the case against cyberespionage, Chinese officials have publicly warned against the development and use of cyberweaponry.


U.S. officials said there were no agreements, but the two sides said they would continue to talk about cyber issues.


In the news conference, Gen. Chang said China supports the 'peaceful use of cyberspace,' and said Beijing is against military operations in the electronic domain.


'We oppose having any kind of arms race in the cyber domain,' he said.


Gen. Chang also reiterated the standard Chinese government response that Beijing is itself a 'primary victim' of hacker attacks.


Jim Lewis, an analyst at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said Gen. Chang's comments represented the party line, and amounted to 'standard stuff.'

战略与国际研究中心(Center for Strategic and International Studies)的分析师刘易斯(Jim Lewis)说,常万全的讲话代表了中共的立场,是一种“标准回应”。

American officials are hoping to smooth out military relations with Beijing, which are often fraught with uncertainty as a result of tensions over U.S. arms sales to Taiwan.


U.S. officials have been making an increasingly vociferous case to the Chinese that regular high-level contacts are critical to avoid miscalculations between the two powerful militaries.



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