





埃及镇压示威者 数百人死亡

发布者: sunnyHU | 发布时间: 2013-8-30 22:07| 查看数: 1074| 评论数: 0|

Egypt's efforts to end Muslim Brotherhood protests turned deadly Wednesday morning, with more than 278 people killed across the country in violence set off when police, later backed by Egyptian soldiers, moved in against two antigovernment sit-ins in Cairo.

埃及结束穆斯林兄弟会(Muslim Brotherhood)抗议活动的努力周三上午演变成了流血事件。警方出动(后来得到埃及军方的支持),对开罗的两处反政府静坐营地实施清场,此举成了暴力活动的导火索,最终导致全国逾278人死亡。

The move to clear supporters of former President Mohammed Morsi, which had been anticipated since his ouster by the military on July 3, set off violent upheaval across Cairo. Protesters tried to storm police stations across Egypt's capital, while entire neighborhoods succumbed to fighting between neighbors on opposite sides of the political divide, an early taste of the bloodshed that has been feared for weeks by many Egyptians. Several observers worried that the violence has spiraled out of control and taken on sectarian shadings.

驱散埃及前总统穆尔西(Mohammed Morsi)支持者的举动引发开罗全城暴乱。自从7月3日穆尔西被军方赶下台后,外界便一直预料会有这么一天。抗议者试图猛攻开罗各地警局,而政治看法相左的邻里彼此之间也开始互掐,整个社区都陷入这种争斗当中,让人初步体验到很多埃及人担心了数周的流血事件。几名观察人士担心,暴力事件会恶化失控,并且披上宗派的外衣。

Egypt's interim president declared a monthlong national state of emergency to start Wednesday afternoon.


Vice President Mohamed ElBaradei, a Nobel Peace Prize laureate and secular leader in the interim government, resigned to protest the violent crackdown. Mr. ElBaradei had butted heads with the powerful chief of Egypt's military, Gen. Abdel Fattah Al Sisi, over the standoff with Mr. Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood supporters, said officials familiar with the matter.

埃及副总统巴拉迪(Mohamed ElBaradei)辞职,以抗议暴力镇压行为。他是诺贝尔和平奖得主,同时也是临时政府中的非宗教领导人。知情官员说,在如何处理与穆尔西麾下穆斯林兄弟会支持者对峙的问题上,巴拉迪与极具权势的埃及军方最高指挥官塞西(Abdel Fattah Al Sisi)意见相左。

The White House condemned Wednesday's violence and said it opposed the state of emergency. Turkey branded the day's events a massacre.


The crackdown began around 7 a.m. Wednesday. Witnesses said state security forces launched a surprise assault on Raba'a al Adiwiya and Nahda squares with tear gas and gunfire-a departure from plans police discussed in recent days to form a cordon around the protests to prevent demonstrators from receiving food and water.

镇压行动于周三早上7点左右开始。目击者说,国家安全部队出人意料地向拉比亚广场(Raba'a al Adiwiya)和纳达广场(Nahda)投掷催泪瓦斯并开枪。这一做法偏离了近日警方讨论的计划。警方此前曾计划在抗议活动周围设置警戒线,阻止示威者获取食品和水。

'I woke up to bulldozers and tents on fire,' said one protester who had been living in Raba'a square for the past month.


Shortly after 7 a.m., helicopters could be seen circling over Raba'a square. Snipers were visible on surrounding rooftops. Tear gas filled the air for a kilometer or more.


Muslim Brotherhood supporters surged toward the square to support the sit-in but were forced to retreat. Gunfire came from the direction of the security forces.


With ambulances unable to gain entry to the square, wounded protesters were being carried through the fray. Several slain protesters were seen near the square and at a nearby hospital, with gunshot wounds in their heads, sides and chests. Images provided by journalists and other observers also quickly circulated on social media, showing what appeared to be dozens of slain protesters, including women, laid side to side on hospital floors.


By late Wednesday, the government had taken control of both protest sites, according to state television.


At least 235 civilians were killed, according to the Ministry of Health. Interior Minister Mohammed Ibrahim said 43 policemen died in the assault, the Associated Press reported.

据卫生部说,至少有235名平民被杀。据美联社(Associated Press)报道,内政部部长穆罕默德?易卜拉欣(Mohammed Ibrahim)说,有43名警察在冲突中死亡。

The Brotherhood placed the number of fatalities far higher-saying that 2,200 people had been killed and more than 10,000 wounded.


The Brotherhood's apparent ability Wednesday to mobilize supporters, burn down several police stations and overwhelm police forces threw into question the depth of the interim government's popular support. By the afternoon, Egypt's army was called in to help reinforce the police who had led the crackdown of the squares earlier in the day.


'My son is in Raba'a and I cannot get in to help him,' said Hussein Ibrahim, a supporter of the protests. 'We have no guns, all we have is our bare chests. This is a coup and in any other country people would stand up to this. And Obama is talking about democracy? He is a hypocrite. They are killing us with American aid money,' he said pointing to a military helicopter in the sky.

抗议活动的一位支持者侯赛因?易卜拉欣(Hussein Ibrahim)说,我儿子在拉比亚广场,我无法进去帮他。他指着天空中的一架军用直升机说,我们没有枪,只有赤裸的胸膛。这是一场政变,在其他任何一个国家,人们都会站起来抵抗。奥巴马在谈论民主?他是个伪君子。他们在用美国援助的钱杀害我们。

Egypt's military receives more than $1 billion annually in U.S. aid.


Wednesday's battles between Brotherhood supporters and government security forces backed by regular civilians illustrate the deep divisions on Egypt's streets, where neighbors battled neighbors, and the difficulty of achieving reconciliation between two entrenched sides split over whether Egypt should become a secular or Islamic state.



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