






发布者: sunnyHU | 发布时间: 2013-8-31 21:42| 查看数: 883| 评论数: 0|


Love is in the air...... This New Zealand couple is among the first to tie the knot since a law legalising same sex marriage went into force on Monday. Lynley Bendall and Ally Wanikau exchanged vows on board a flight to Auckland. They weren't the only ones under the spotlight. Trent Kandler and Paul McCarthy, won a contest by the tourism board, inviting a gay Australian couple to wed in New Zealand... the 13th country to allow homosexuals to marry. Same sex marriages are not yet legal in Australia.

空气中弥漫着爱的氛围。这对新西兰夫妻是自周一宣布同性恋合法的法规生效以来首批喜结连理的同性恋情侣之一。Lynley Bendall和Ally Wanikau在飞往奥克兰的航班上互相宣誓。引起公众关心的不仅仅是他们这一对。Trent Kandler和Paul McCarthy赢得了旅游董事会举办的邀请澳大利亚同性恋在新西兰举行婚礼的竞赛。新西兰是允许同性恋结婚的第13个国家。目前,同性恋婚姻在澳大利亚还不是合法的。

TRENT KANDLER, GROOM, LEFT SAYING: "We are both honoured to have been able to come to a country that we respect and that respects us for who we are and respects everyone for who they are and, you know, we are going back to Australia and technically, yes, our marriage wont be recognised but you know what, in the back of our heads we know that New Zealand believes in us and New Zealand is behind us all the way so that's what's really important."

左边的新郎TRENT KANDLER说:“我们很荣幸来到一个我们尊重,也尊重我们,尊重任何人的国家,你知道,我们回到澳大利亚之后,我们的婚姻是不被认可的,在我们脑海中,我们知道,新西兰相信我们,新西兰支持我们,这非常重要。”

MPs' approved the bill by a large majority in April. About 30 gay couples were due to say "I do" on Monday. But it wasn't marital bliss for everyone. Catholic bishops here have opposed the weddings while other denominations have been split.



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