






发布者: sunnyHU | 发布时间: 2013-9-3 20:05| 查看数: 981| 评论数: 0|

The hedge fund run by John Paulson, one of the world’s highest-profile gold bulls, has sold more than half its shares in the largest exchange traded fund backed by the metal, according to a regulatory filing.

监管文件显示,约翰·保尔森(John Paulson)管理的基金抛出了其在全球最大黄金ETF(交易所交易基金)中持有的半数以上的份额。保尔森是全球最知名的黄金多头之一。

However, Paulson & Co offset much of its sale of about 1.1m ounces of bullion held in SPDR Gold Shares in the second quarter by buying gold swaps on the over-the-counter market, according to a person familiar with the matter.

保尔森公司(Paulson & Co)在第二季度出售了其在SPDR Gold Shares中持有的约相当于110万盎司黄金的份额。不过,知情人士表示,该公司通过在场外交易(OTC)市场上买入黄金掉期,抵消了很大一部分出售的黄金ETF份额。

Mr Paulson’s activities in the gold market have been religiously followed since the fund manager, who made billions predicting the US housing crash, accumulated a large quantity of the metal in 2009, when he started allowing investors to denominate holdings in gold rather than dollars.


The 21 per cent tumble in gold so far this year has hurt Mr Paulson, who has denominated much of his own wealth in gold, as well as attracting publicity even as many of his other investments performed well.


However, his faith in gold remains unshaken. “The rationale for owning gold has not gone away. The consequences of printing money over time will be inflation,” he told CNBC last month. “Over time, indicators of inflation will start to rise, and demand for gold will increase again.” Paulson & Co’s decision to shift a chunk of its gold holdings out of the ETF and into the OTC market reflects the relative costs of the two, the person familiar with the matter said.



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