






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-9-10 11:30| 查看数: 703| 评论数: 0|

US investors have pumped more money into European equities than at any time since 1977, in a big vote of confidence for the region and its ability to recover from the sovereign debt crisis.


Pension funds and other big US groups invested $65bn in European stocks in the first six months of this year, the highest in 36 years over that period, according to research compiled by Goldman Sachs’ European strategy team from US Treasury data.

高盛(Goldman Sachs)欧洲策略团队根据美国财政部数据进行的研究显示,养老基金和美国其他大型集团在今年头六个月投资于欧洲股票的总金额达到650亿美元,这是36年来最高的上半年对欧投资总额。

Early signs of recovery and rising confidence have restored the faith of US investors in Europe as hopes grow that markets can rally further on a wave of stronger earnings in the second half of the year.


Eddie Perkins, chief investment officer of international equity at Goldman Sachs Asset Management, said: “The economic story makes Europe a good bet. We expect European equities to keep rising as the continent recovers.”

高盛资产管理(Goldman Sachs Asset Management)国际股票首席投资官埃迪•帕金斯(Eddie Perkins)表示:“经济形势意味着欧洲是不错的投资目的地。随着欧洲大陆走向复苏,我们预期欧洲股票将继续上涨。”

Robert Parkes, equity strategist at HSBC, added: “We see earnings surprising on the upside, which will act like a tailwind for European equities.”

汇丰(HSBC)股票策略师罗伯特•帕克斯(Robert Parkes)补充说:“我们认为盈利数据好于预期的几率较大,这将推动欧洲股票上涨。”

HSBC says that European stocks are still 15 per cent undervalued compared with the long-term average.


This is the case despite the big rise in European equities since July 2012 when Mario Draghi, European Central Bank president, pledged to do “whatever it takes” to save the euro. European stocks have risen 27 per cent since June 4 2012.

欧洲股票自2012年7月以来已大幅上涨,当时,欧洲央行(ECB)行长马里奥•德拉吉(Mario Draghi)承诺“不惜任何代价”拯救欧元。自2012年6月4日以来,欧洲股指的累计涨幅达到27%。

However, equity markets still face big risks. A possible US military strike against Syria, worries about emerging markets instability and a renewed flare-up of the eurozone crisis could prevent further gains.


The poor performance of emerging markets is a particular worry as European groups derive about a third of their revenues from that region. A further setback in emerging markets would hit their profits.


Despite the risks, the fact that European stocks remain cheap is encouraging more US funds to put money into the market, say strategists and investment managers. HSBC’s cyclically adjusted price earnings multiples are running at 11.4 times compared with a historical average of 14.8 times.


Sectors favoured by Goldman Sachs and HSBC are financials, telecoms and utilities as these have underperformed because of the eurozone debt crisis in the past few years.


European banking stocks, in particular, are back in vogue as the success of financials tends to depend on an improving economy. Expectations of more mergers and acquisitions activity in areas such as telecoms is also seen as positive for stocks.


Mr Parkes said: “There are still a lot of pessimists out there, but the cheapness of stocks makes them attractive. The risks are outweighed by the positives and I think European stocks can definitely move higher.”



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