






发布者: sunnyHU | 发布时间: 2013-9-18 16:49| 查看数: 878| 评论数: 0|



After picking up my ticket for Fuerza Bruta, I was handed a piece of paper telling me that I would stand for the length of the show, be asked to move freely about the space, and might get wet.


Fuerza Bruta (Spanish for “brute force”), a postmodern theater show that originated in Argentina, has wowed the world, including Broadway theaters in New York, since its debut in 2005. Now it has finally come to Beijing, China.

《极限震撼》(Fuerza Bruta在西班牙语里是“原力”的意思)是一场源自阿根廷的后现代化歌剧表演。自2005年首演以来,该剧已征服了全世界观众,其中也包括纽约百老汇。如今这场“神秀”终于来到了中国北京。

With a lot of curiosity and a little self-persuasion that I was a theater fan, I entered the venue, where there were no seats, not even a stage — just a large, empty room with flashing lights and a DJ booth. I took my place, with 200 other audience members, in a giant circle that had been drawn on the floor. Suddenly, music started playing and the lights went out.


What happened in the next 65 minutes is hard to explain. In short, the show combined light installations, electronic music, acrobatics, choreography and aerial artistry.


The central figure is a mysterious man in white who opens the show by walking on a giant treadmill that is rolled into the middle of the audience. The walk turns into a jog and then a desperate run. A shot rings out, blood spatters the man’s shirt, and he falls to the ground. He lives to walk again, but it’s clear that the man must fight to stay on the treadmill. You could say he represents the indomitable human will that stands in opposition to the destructive influences of our world.


The most impressive scene involves a transparent pool of water that is lowered from the ceiling and comes to rest only a few centimeters above the audience. The cast members then create shapes in and with the water in truly imaginative ways under a dazzling display of lights.


The audience is also expected to participate. Toward the end of the show, the pool disappears, the lights go out again and strings of water trickle from the ceiling.


The New York Times once described the show as “theater for people who don’t really like theater”, where the audience is not required to think, but to feel the carnival and sensual delight.


To me, the whole experience was like an escape into a world of chaos, and a celebration of the human spirit against all the odds. So I guess I really am a theater fan, after all.




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