






发布者: sunnyHU | 发布时间: 2013-9-23 17:23| 查看数: 767| 评论数: 0|

When I saw her for the first time, a very newborn child, and I looked into her eyes, and I fell in love with her, believe me.” These are the words of a proud father, Ziauddin Yousafzai, speaking about his daughter, Malala, in Class Dismissed . The extraordinary 2009 New York Times documentary follows Mr Yousafzai’s courageous efforts to keep his school in Pakistan’s Swat Valley open after Taliban leaders ordered an end to girls’ education.

“当她刚刚出生,我第一眼看到她的时候,当我看着她的眼睛,我就爱上了她,相信我”,这是纪录片《下课了》(Class Dismissed)中一位自豪的父亲——齐亚丁·尤萨夫扎伊(Ziauddin Yousafzai)谈到自己的女儿玛拉拉(Malala)时所说的话。在塔利班(Taliban)领导人禁止女童接受教育之后,尤萨夫扎伊没有关闭他在巴基斯坦斯瓦特山谷(Swat Valley)开办的女子学校,《纽约时报》(New York Times)在2009年拍摄的优秀纪录片记录了他的这种勇敢行为。

In the film, Malala, then an articulate 11-year-old with a Harry Potter backpack, says she dreams of becoming a doctor. She seems today to be following a different path.

在这部纪录片中,当时仅有11岁的玛拉拉口齿伶俐,背着一个哈利·波特(Harry Potter)书包。玛拉拉说,她梦想成为一名医生。如今她似乎走上了一条不同的道路。

Still 16, she has become a global campaigner for girls’ education. She is one of the world’s most recognised people – famous enough to be known only by her first name – and a remarkable survivor.


On October 9 last year, fighters from the Taliban forces in the Swat Valley district in the Northwest Frontier Province boarded her school bus. They shot her in the head and wounded two friends. Ms Yousafzai was flown to the UK, where she received emergency treatment in Birmingham. She recovered – she has a titanium plate in her skull – and her campaigning goes on. She was well enough to speak in front of 1,000 youth delegates at the UN on her birthday in July, telling them nothing had changed in her life since the attack, except that “weakness, fear and hopelessness died”.


Ms Yousafzai now lives with her family (she has two younger brothers) in Birmingham and attends school there – although her timetable fits around her campaigning. This week she opened the city’s new £189m public library, the largest in Europe. As she told the watching crowd of “fellow Brummies” in her adopted home: “Pens and books are the weapons that defeat terrorism.


I truly believe the only way we can create global peace is through educating not only our minds but our hearts and our souls.”


Her campaign for girls’ right to go to school started before the attack. She had already won Pakistan’s first National Youth Peace Prize. Yesterday she collected the International Children’s Peace Prize in The Hague, and she has been nominated for the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize, to be awarded next month.

玛拉拉在遭受袭击前就开始了争取女童受教育权的活动。她已经获得巴基斯坦的首个“国家青年和平奖”(National Youth Peace Prize)。上周四,她在海牙获得了国际儿童和平奖(International Children’s Peace Prize),她还获得了2013年诺贝尔和平奖(Nobel Peace Prize)的提名——该奖将于下月颁发。

It is barely credible that someone so young could be such an effective campaigner on the world stage. Yet Ms Yousafzai has single-handedly turned the issue of the right of girls – and all children – to be educated into headline news. And she is a figure worth hearing, according to Jude Kelly, artistic director of London arts hub the Southbank Centre, which will host Ms Yousafzai’s (sold-out) first official appearance in London next month. Ms Kelly says: “We are about to lose [Nelson] Mandela and then, in another area, Malala steps on to the world stage. She is no token signifier – she is a woman with real substance. Her clarity, her determination, her simple clear sense of mission is undeniable.”

很难相信,一个如此年轻的女孩能够成为世界舞台上如此活跃的活动家。然而玛拉拉确实凭一己之力让女童(以及所有儿童)的受教育权问题成为头条新闻。伦敦南岸艺术中心(Southbank Centre)的艺术总监祖德·凯丽(Jude Kelly)表示,玛拉拉是一位值得倾听的人物。玛拉拉将于下月在伦敦首次正式亮相,活动由南岸艺术中心主办(门票已售罄)。凯丽表示:“我们即将失去纳尔逊·曼德拉(Nelson Mandela),而这时,玛拉拉在另一个领域登上了世界舞台。她并非什么标志符号,她是一位有着实质内涵的女性。她的鲜明立尝她的决心以及她简单纯粹的使命感无可置疑。”

Her resilience and courage is clear but it would not have been possible for her to become educated – or a campaigner – were it not for her father’s support. (Her mother is also reportedly supportive but does not appear in public.) Adam Ellick, who made Class Dismissed, first met Mr Yousafzai through the latter’s work as an activist in Swat. The plan was for him to help Mr Ellick find a family to document as they lived through Taliban occupation in 2009. Instead “he showed up with Malala, and we eventually decided to make the documentary about their family”.

她的坚韧和勇气显而易见,但如果不是父亲的支持,她不可能接受教育,更不要说成为一名活动家。(据悉她母亲也支持她,但并不公开露面。)制作《下课了》的亚当·埃利克(Adam Ellick)最初认识尤萨夫扎伊,是通过后者在斯瓦特做活动人士时所做的工作。他们原本的计划是,让尤萨夫扎伊帮埃利克找一家人,记录这家人在2009年塔利班占领期间如何度日。结果,“尤萨夫扎伊带着玛拉拉出现了,我们最终决定围绕他们一家制作一部纪录片”。

Mr Ellick lived with the family, on and off, for six months, and stayed close to them. He said: “I really admired how far the father, who hailed from a small village, became a leader in Swat.” When Mr Ellick met her, Ms Yousafzai was, “like most Pakistani girls, quite deferential to her father. She spoke mainly when spoken to.” But she was already developing her public voice – albeit secretly. Early in 2009 she began writing, using a pen name, about life for a young girl under the Taliban for the BBC’s Urdu service.


Shiza Shahid, a Pakistani education campaigner, first met Ms Yousafzai when she was 10, and has been working with her ever since. While still in hospital, the teenager set up The Malala Fund, with a vision to put every girl in the world through school. The first grants for the US-based charity now run by Ms Shahid – announced by actor Angelina Jolie – have been used to educate 40 girls in Swat. Ms Yousafzai regularly speaks to the girls to see how they are getting on.

巴基斯坦教育活动家希扎·沙希德(Shiza Shahid)最初在玛拉拉10岁时见到她,自那以后两人就携手合作。玛拉拉仍在医院时,就设立了玛拉拉基金(The Malala Fund),其愿景是让全世界所有的女孩子都能上学。这家总部位于美国的慈善机构的第一批捐赠(由女演员安吉丽娜·朱莉(Angelina Jolie)宣布)如今由沙希德运营,用于为斯瓦特的40名女孩提供教育。玛拉拉经常和这些女孩谈话,查看她们的进展情况。

Her campaign to get girls into school is a welcome awareness boost in an area with much work still to be done. Unesco figures show 57m primary-age children worldwide do not attend school, of whom 31m are girls. A further 34m adolescent girls are not being educated, mostly in Nigeria and Pakistan. Established groups setting up schools and libraries in the developing world include Room to Read, whose founder, John Wood, acknowledges Ms Yousafzai’s influence but reinforces the scale of the problem. “It’s great to have awareness raised on this issue,” he says, “but to turn that potential energy into kinetic, we need the social sector to think like a business, to build plans and teams that allow for massive scale so that we can reach millions of children like Malala who deserve to gain the life-long gift of education.”

女童教育是一个任重道远的领域,玛拉拉推广女童教育的活动提高了人们的意识,这一点值得高兴。联合国教科文组织(Unesco)的数据显示,全球有5700万小学适龄儿童没有上学,其中3100万为女童。另外还有3400万少女没有接受教育,主要集中在尼日利亚和巴基斯坦。在发展中国家设立学校和图书馆的老牌组织包括Room to Read,该机构的创始人约翰·伍德(John Wood)认可玛拉拉的影响力,不过他强调了问题的严重性。他表示:“提高人们对这个问题的重视很好。但要把这种潜在能量发挥出来,我们需要社会部门像一家企业一样思考,要设定计划,构建团队,实现规模化,这样才能惠及数百万像玛拉拉一样的孩子,他们理应获得终身教育的礼物。”

The next milestone in Ms Yousafzai’s global celebrity comes with next month’s publication of her autobiography, I am Malala. Like all hot literary properties, it is under strict embargo. The publicity schedule includes Ms Yousafzai’s first big television interviews – with ABC’s Diane Sawyer in the US and the BBC’s Panorama.

玛拉拉的自传《我是玛拉拉》(I am Malala)下个月即将出版,这将为她奠定全球声誉的下一个里程碑。就像多数热门图书作品一样,这本书遭到严格封禁。她的宣传计划包括首次接受大型电视采访,一个是接受美国广播公司(ABC)戴安娜·索耶(Diane Sawyer)的采访,另外还要登上BBC的Panorama节目。

No teenager, perhaps with the exception of Justin Bieber, has achieved such fame and faces such constant public pressure. But Ms Shahid says her friend is unaffected: “She’s a very intelligent girl yet humble and grounded, very much still the authentic Malala.”

可能除了贾斯汀·比伯(Justin Bieber)之外,还没有哪个青少年这么出名,并要持续面对这样的公共压力。但沙希德表示,她的朋友玛拉拉并没有受到影响:“她是个非常聪明的女孩,但是谦虚务实,仍然是那个真诚的玛拉拉。”


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