






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-9-25 10:00| 查看数: 742| 评论数: 0|

Kenyan police late Sunday struck to end a two-day terrorist attack at an upscale mall after the death toll rose to 68, with some 40 people believed trapped inside the complex while armed militants remained at large.


An explosion and new volleys of gunfire were heard as the sun set. Kenyan police said they had begun a final push aimed at ending the terrorist attack on the Westgate mall. But after the initial explosions the area quieted down and it was difficult to tell as the night wore on whether an operation was under way or not.


The Kenyan military said it had freed 'most' of those inside but didn't give a figure.


Attackers stormed at least three entrances to the mall simultaneously when the attack began Saturday. Gunfire ripped through open-air cafes at the main entrance, while a grenade exploded in the rooftop parking lot and another group of shooters opened fire in the basement garage.


A French man eating at a tapas bar said a gunman yelled 'Allahu akbar!' -- Arabic for 'God is Great!' -- as he opened fire on the diners.

事发时在一家小吃馆吃饭的法国男士说,一个持枪者一边向用餐者开火一边高喊“真主伟大”(Allahu akbar)。

'Their mission was to kill, not to steal,' said Edwin Omoding, a 26-year-old stocker for the Nakumatt supermarket inside the mall. He said he saw about 20 attackers, including three women.

现年26岁的购物中心内Nakumatt超市的仓库管理员奥莫丁(Edwin Omoding)说,他们的使命是杀戮,而不是偷窃。他说,他看到了大约20名袭击者,其中包括三名女性。

Mr. Omoding said the attackers identified themselves as members of al-Shabaab, a Somali militant group that has long threatened a major attack against Kenya as retribution for its decision to send troops to help the Somali government fight the insurgents. Twitter messages purportedly from the group claimed responsibility for the attack and taunted the Kenyan government throughout the siege.


The deadliest attack to hit Kenya since the 1998 U.S. embassy bombing started around 12:30 p.m. local time Saturday.


Over the course of the day, Kenyan police and soldiers slowly pushed in, ushering out people who were hiding in restrooms, banks' safe rooms or the depths of restaurant kitchens.


Security forces sought to surround the attackers without knowing how many there were, where they were holed up or whether they had hostages.


As of Sunday night, many people still hadn't made it out. The Kenyan Red Cross said 49 people had been reported missing by family or friends and were believed still inside. The Red Cross later said that nine bodies had been found.


Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta called the assault an 'evil and cowardly act of terrorism' and vowed to continue to fight against the Somali militants. 'I want to be very clear and categorical: We shall not relent on the war on terror. We will continue that fight, and we urge all people of goodwill throughout the world to join us and to ensure that we uproot this evil,' he said.

肯尼亚总统肯雅塔(Uhuru Kenyatta)将这次袭击称为“恶毒的、懦弱的恐怖主义行为”,并发誓将继续打击索马里武装分子。他说,我想非常清楚、非常断然地说,我们不会在反恐战斗中手软,我们将继续这一战斗,我们敦促全球友好的人民加入我们,以确保我们能根除这一恶势力。

Peter Outa, a spokesman for the Red Cross, said late Sunday that at least 68 people had been confirmed killed.

红十字会发言人欧塔(Peter Outa)周日晚间说,至少68人被确认死亡。

More than 175 were injured, according to Joseph Ole Lenku, Kenya's secretary for the interior. He said more than 1,000 people were safely evacuated.

据肯尼亚内政部长伦卡(Joseph Ole Lenku)说,超过175人受伤。他说,逾1,000人被安全疏散。

Three Britons, one Canadian and two French women were among the dead, as was a prominent Ghanaian poet, their governments said. The local press reported that a Kenyan radio presenter was killed on the roof, and President Kenyatta said his nephew and the nephew's fiancee died in the attack.


Kenyan officials said that there were still between 10 and 15 attackers in the building as of Sunday evening and that they had been cornered in one location. Officials said at least one attacker died of his wounds after having been arrested.



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