






发布者: Jessica1992 | 发布时间: 2013-10-13 10:34| 查看数: 1701| 评论数: 5|

本帖最后由 Jessica1992 于 2013-10-13 10:40 编辑


1. (like an) open book. 简单,易懂。 He reads me like an open book. 他特别能读懂我。Emily is an open book. I can always tell what's on her mind. Emily是个很好读懂的人,我总能知道她心里的想法。Your intentions are an open book. 你的意图大家一眼就能看穿。

2. I only want what's best for you. 我都是为你好。 如 As your friend, I have to warn you against him. I only want what's best for you. 做为朋友,我必须提醒你小心他,我都是为你好。I know you're mad at me now, but I only want what's best for you. 我知道你现在生我的气,可我都是为你好。

3. sth. is looking up. 有起色,有转机。 My financial situation is looking up. 我的财务状况出现了转机。Things are looking up for the hotel industry. 饭店业生意出现了好转。The job market is looking up this year. 就业市场今年有了起色。My love life is looking up. 我情场开始得意起来。



Jessica1992 发表于 2013-10-13 10:35:26

1. 英文人名的怪用法~ 1. I'm on the John. 我坐在马桶上。2. I am just an average Joe. 我就一普通人。3. I want a cup of Joe. 我要杯咖啡。4. You don't know Jack. 你懂什么。5. He is a Jack of all trades. 他什么都会。6. No way, Jose. 绝不行!7. He is a Johnny one note. 五音不全。8. Dear John letter 分手信,是女生写给男生的,男生写给女生的是 Dear Jane letter.

2. pros and cons. 利弊 如:Living with in-laws has its pros and cons. 跟岳父母(公婆)住在一起有利也有弊。Free-lancing has its pros and cons. 自由职业人有利有弊。Working from home has its pros and cons. 在家上班有利有弊。

3. go through the roof. 贵得要命。The cost of living in my home town is going through the roof. 我家乡生活消费水平如今特别贵。The gasoline price is going through the roof. 现在油价贵死了。House prices in our areas are going through the roof. 我们这块地区的房价贵得要命。
Jessica1992 发表于 2013-10-13 10:36:16

1. fire in one's belly 憋足了劲。I'll tackle the issue with fire in my belly. 我憋足了劲要搞定这个问题。add fuel to the fire 火上加油。Leave him alone. You're only adding fuel to the fire if you try to comfort him. 别管他,你现在去安慰他无异于火上加油。

2. play favorites 偏心,偏袒。The teacher was known to play favorites. 大家都知道这个老师总是偏心。Most parents play favorites but will never admit it. 大多数父母都偏心,但是绝不承认。Playing favorites is one of the worst things you can do as a boss. 做老板最糟糕的就是不一视同仁。

3. blow one's mind 让某人感到震撼。The concert blew my mind. 音乐会让我很震撼。The view there will blow your mind. 那里的景色一定会让你觉到震撼。You have to go see the exhibit. The pictures blew my mind. 你一定要去看展览,那些画儿让我感到非常震撼。
Jessica1992 发表于 2013-10-13 10:36:41

1. eat like a bird 饭量小。No wonder you're so slim. You eat like a bird. 难怪你这么苗条,原来就吃这么点。相反,eat like a horse 则是饭量大。You eat like a horse. How do you manage to stay so thin? 你吃这么多,怎么还能这么瘦?

2. run a tight ship 管理严格。The new teacher really runs a tight ship. 新老师对班里学生管得很严。My boss runs a tight ship. 我老板对下属要求很严格。The coach is known to run an extremely tight ship. 教练对球队要求特别严格,是出了名的。

3. between a rock and a hard place 进退维谷(面临的两种选择都不好)。如: I'm caught between a rock and a hard place. If I move there with him, I have to quit my job. If I don't, I will risk losing him. 我现在真是进退两难,跟他一起搬去那里就要辞去现在的工作,不跟他走就可能失去他。
Jessica1992 发表于 2013-10-15 13:42:41

1. play hard to get 故作清高,欲擒故纵(尤指男女朋友间)。I know what you're doing. You're playing hard to get with him. 我知道你什么意思,你这是对他欲擒故纵。I'm telling you.Playing hard to get won't get you anywhere with that guy. 我告诉你啊,你玩欲擒故纵那招在他那不灵。

2. no laughing matter 不是闹着玩的。Someone could lose their job over this. It's no laughing matter. 这种事会让人丢饭碗的,不是闹着玩的。This is your future we're talking about. It's no laughing matter. 我们说的事事关你的前途,可不是闹着玩的。

3. tight 关系铁,(俚语)。We used to be really tight. 我们以前关系特铁。He is tight with the movie producer. 他跟电影制片是铁哥们。铁哥们也可以说 buddy buddy。比如,John and Jack were buddy buddy when they were in college. John 和 Jack 上大学的时候是铁哥们。
Jessica1992 发表于 2013-10-15 13:44:19

1. 表达:脾气急~ 1. hothead (n.). 2. have a quick temper; 3. have a short fuse. 如:My ex-boyfriend was a hothead. 我前男友脾气暴。The professor is known to have a short fuse. 这位教授喜欢发火是有名的。The coach has a quick temper. All players are afraid of him. 这教练脾气急,队员都怕他。

2. old school 传统,保守。A: You're showing too much skin. B: Seriously? Don't be so old school. (A: 你露太多了。B: 你真这么想?别那么保守。)Call me old school if you want to. I just don't think anyone should cheat on his or her spouse. 或许是我老套,可我就是认为不能对配偶不忠。

3. to get back on track 重新回到轨道上来。Her friends helped get her back on track after the accident landed her in the hospital for a month. 车祸让她住了一个月的医院,是她朋友帮她重新恢复了正常生活。He tried to get back on track after the breakup. 跟女友分手后,他努力恢复正常生活。
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