






发布者: sunnyHU | 发布时间: 2013-10-16 20:16| 查看数: 813| 评论数: 0|

Clashes between protesters and security forces on Sunday left at least 42 people dead and more than 246 injured, the health ministry said, as supporters of ousted President Mohammed Morsi rallied to press for his reinstatement despite a monthslong crackdown on their ranks.

埃及卫生部说,抗议者和安全部队周日在开罗发生冲突,造成至少42人死亡,超过246人受伤。尽管埃及方面对被推翻总统穆尔西(Mohammed Morsi)的支持者进行了连续数月的镇压,他们仍举行集会,强烈要求穆尔西复职。

The pro-Morsi rallies amounted to some of the largest since he was ousted more than three months ago, demonstrating his supporters' resilience even after security forces arrested thousands of Muslim Brotherhood leaders nationwide.

穆尔西三个多月前被罢免以来,他的支持者不断集会示威,其中一些示威的规模是他下台以来最大的,显示出支持者的韧性。此前,埃及安全部队已在全国范围内逮捕了数以千计的穆斯林兄弟会(Muslim Brotherhood)领导人。

On Sunday, police fired tear gas and bird shot at throngs of Mr. Morsi's mostly Islamist backers who had organized counterprotests to pro-military celebrations marking the 40th anniversary of Egypt's first successful offensive against Israel during the Yom Kippur War, police and witnesses said.

警方和目击者说,警方周日向聚集在一起的穆尔西支持者发射了催泪瓦斯和鸟枪子弹。穆尔西的支持者大多是伊斯兰教徒,他们组织示威,抗议庆祝赎罪日战争(Yom Kippur War)40周年的亲军方庆祝活动。埃及在该战争中反击以色列首次获得成功。

Activists from Mr. Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood said the police used live ammunition to subdue the pro-Morsi crowds-a claim that couldn't be independently confirmed and that Egypt's ministry of interior denied.

穆尔西领导的穆斯林兄弟会(Muslim Brotherhood)的活动人士说,警方用实弹制服支持穆尔西的人群。这一说法无法得到独立证实,埃及内政部对此予以否认。

The anniversary of the war, which Egyptians and many Arabs refer to as the October War, arrives at a uniquely charged moment more than three months after the military ousted Mr. Morsi at the behest of tens of millions of protesters.


The military and the civilian government it ushered into power for months have taken pains to draw equivalencies between their fight against Mr. Morsi and his once-ruling Islamist supporters and a military strike that many Egyptians consider a rare victory over the neighboring Jewish state.


In fact, the war ended in a United Nations-negotiated truce after both sides suffered heavy casualties. But Israel's eventual land concessions in the Sinai gave former Egyptian President Anwar Sadat the political capital he needed to sign a peace treaty with the Jewish state in 1979 that remains a bedrock of regional stability.

实际上,这场战争结束于联合国参与谈判的停战协定,双方在停战前均遭受了重大伤亡。但以色列最终在西奈半岛问题上做出的土地让步给了埃及前总统萨达特(Anwar Sadat)所需的政治资本,使得埃及于1979年与以色列这个犹太国家签订了和平协议。这个和平协议目前仍是地区稳定的基石。


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