






发布者: sunnyHU | 发布时间: 2013-10-20 17:28| 查看数: 798| 评论数: 0|

A public backlash against the political logjam in Washington has pushed Republicans to moderate their hardline stance on the budget, raising hopes of a deal with the White House ahead of next week’s deadline to raise the debt ceiling.


Senior Republicans were galvanised by an NBC/Wall St Journal poll showing the lowest ratings for the party since the survey started in 1989, prompting them to submit plans to jump start talks with Barack Obama and the Democrats.

美国全国广播公司(NBC)和《华尔街日报》(WSJ)联合发布的民调显示,共和党支持率跌至自1989年开始该调查以来的最低点,这刺激了资深共和党人士,促使他们提交计划,投入与巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)和民主党的谈判。

Eleven days into a partial government shutdown, and less than a week before the country hits its statutory borrowings limit, the White House and Republicans have now begun trading proposals for a deal.


Republican demands that Barack Obama cut funding for or delay his healthcare law – a deal-breaker for Democrats – now appear to be off the table. The current discussions include trimming health benefits for wealthier elderly Americans and easing cuts in spending on defence and other departments in a previous budget accord.


However, the shape of any agreement remains unclear, with the White House and both parties in the Senate and the House of Representatives clustering around rival plans.


The talks follow meetings at the White House yesterday with Senate Republicans, and on Thursday evening with House Republicans who have driven an unyielding campaign on the budget and the debt ceiling.


Republicans and Democrats are running up against a deadline of October 17, when the Treasury says the US will need congressional approval to start borrowing again or face the prospect that it could run out of money to pay its bills.


Mr Obama has so far refused to negotiate under threat of a government shutdown and a refusal to lift the debt ceiling, a stand which has also been driven by Harry Reid, the Democrat’s Senate Majority leader.

奥巴马迄今拒绝在政府关门和拒绝提高债务上限的威胁下谈判。这一立场也获得了参议院多数党领袖、民主党人哈里·里德(Harry Reid)的支持。

The NBC/WSJ poll, in which twice as many respondents viewed the Republicans negatively rather than positively, dovetailed with findings by Gallup which recorded the party with a favourability rating of 28 per cent, the lowest in the survey’s history.



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