





村上春树无缘诺奖 春树迷大失所望

发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-10-22 08:00| 查看数: 792| 评论数: 0|

It was a disappointing moment for fans of Haruki Murakami in Japan when the Swedish Academy awarded the Nobel prize for literature to Canadian author Alice Munro.

典学院(Swedish Academy)将诺贝尔文学奖颁给了加拿大作家艾丽斯•芒罗(Alice Munro)。对于日本作家村上春树(Haruki Murakami)的书迷来说,这是个令人失望的时刻。

Expectations were high that the 64-year-old best-selling author of critically acclaimed novels like 'Norwegian Wood' and '1Q84' would finally nail the Nobel after having his name floated as a likely candidate for the prestigious award in recent years.

此前人们普遍预期这位64岁的畅销作家将最终捧得诺贝尔奖。村上春树的《挪威的森林》(Norwegian Wood)、《1Q84》等小说作品都深受好评,近年人们不断地认为他是可能的获奖人选。

British bookmaker Ladbrokes had him as the 3-1 favorite, while the media had been abuzz with its now annual speculation that Mr. Murakami could achieve a feat of becoming the third Japanese author to be awarded the Nobel since Yasunari Kawabata in 1968 and Kenzaburo Oe in 1994.

英国博彩公司立博(Ladbrokes)将村上春树列为热门人选,开出的盘口为3-1,媒体则一直热议现在已经成了每年一度的猜测,即树上春树可能成为日本第三位获得诺贝尔奖的作家。前两位分别是1968年获奖的川端康成(Yasunari Kawabata)和1994年获奖的大江健三郎(Kenzaburo Oe)。

'I guess we'll have to wait until next year. I believe he'll get it in the near future, ' tweeted one person who uses the Twitter handle Nash_Moser.


'I sympathize with Haruki Murakami and how the media stirs up a fuss for missing the prize every time the Nobels are announced, ' tweeted another person with the handle tngstn.


Hours before the announcement from Stockholm, public broadcaster NHK aired a segment Thursday evening in which ardent fans of Mr. Murakami, called 'Harukists, ' gathered at a cafe in Tokyo with bottles of champagne lined up in preparation for a celebration.


'I know he's going to get it and I'm quite nervous, ' said the owner of the cafe, who said he's been a Murakami fan for 25 years.


But Harukists will have another year to wait in anticipation, and even longer to find out what deliberations were behind the final choice. The names of the nominees and other information about the nominations are sealed for 50 years.


'We can't be sure if his name had really emerged as a candidate, but expectations have definitely been increasing, ' said Takeshi Usami, professor of modern Japanese literature at Chuo University.

中央大学(Chuo University)现代日本文学教授宇佐美毅(Takeshi Usami)说,我们不能确定他是否真的获得了提名,但可以肯定的是,人们的期望越来越高。

'In terms of the breadth of readership, there's nobody that can surpass Mr. Murakami, ' he said. 'In that sense I believe he will continue to be considered a strong candidate for the Nobel prize, ' he said.



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