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2009年,我与体育经济学家史蒂芬·希曼斯基(Stefan Szymanski)合作出版了一本关于足球和数据的著作,书名是《英格兰为什么总是输》(Why England Lose)。2010年世界杯前,人们不停地问我们:“你们不担心标题出问题吗?如果英格兰赢了怎么办?”我们倒不是很担心,不出意外,英格兰果然输了。但后来我们还是修改了标题,因为事实(令人诧异地)证明,英格兰人不会买一本叫做《英格兰为什么总是输》的书。

In 2009 the sports economist Stefan Szymanski and I published a book about football and data called Why England Lose. Going into the World Cup of 2010, people kept asking us: “Aren’t you worried about your title? What if England win?” We weren’t very worried, and predictably, England lost. Later we changed the title anyway, because it turned out (amazingly) that English people wouldn’t buy a book called Why England Lose.*


Still, our original title remains pertinent. England enter their last qualifying matches against Montenegro and Poland on October 11 and 15 very uncertain to qualify for next year’s World Cup. It’s time to explain, once and for all, why England lose.

首先,英格兰实在不是个特别的国家。历史上看,英格兰球迷和媒体一直期待过高。他们错以为现代足球的鼻祖定能获胜,英格兰球迷的歌曲《足球回家》(Football’s Coming Home)便概括了这一点。

Firstly, England just isn’t a special country. English fans and media historically expected too much. The delusion that the nation that invented modern football is destined to triumph is encapsulated in the England supporters’ song, “Football’s Coming Home”.


In fact, we should expect England to lose. Three factors predict much of a national team’s performance: size of population, length of football experience and wealth (rich countries generally do better at sport). England has a modest 53 million inhabitants; its national team has played no more matches in its history than most leading countries; and England isn’t exceptionally rich. Szymanski calculated that England should expect to be about the world’s 10th-best football country – and it usually is. Historically, in fact, England has marginally overachieved relative to its resources.


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1966年之后的历任英格兰主帅都被视为败将,这或许意味着人们的期待过高。在2010年英格兰像往常那样辜负期待后,媒体和公众突然变得现实起来。罗伊·霍奇森(Roy Hodgson)去年出任英格兰主教练时,英格兰并未出现自大情绪洋溢的状况,这在印象中还是头一回。当他带队出征2012年欧洲杯(Euro 2012)时,外界没有抱任何期待,而目前的期待值还要更低。

Believers in English manifest destiny always bang on about 1966, when England were world champions. However, that was with home advantage – worth two-thirds of a goal in the average international match.


When all England managers since 1966 are considered failures, perhaps expectations are overblown. After England’s ritual disappointment in 2010, the media and public suddenly acquired realism. Last year, Roy Hodgson became England’s first manager in memory whose appointment wasn’t greeted with hubris. Expectations were zero when his team travelled to Euro 2012, and lower today.

最新的共识是,英格兰的问题在于本土赛事的外籍球员过多。“上周末英超联赛的首发球员中只有65名英格兰人,”英足总(FA)主席格雷格·戴克(Greg Dyke)曾在9月份抱怨道,“我们的人才库本就很小,现在更是越来越校”不少人赞成限制外籍球员流入,为更多的英格兰球员留出机会。

Since England overachieve slightly, the correct question is: “Why don’t England win even more?” How could they overachieve massively like Croatia, Uruguay or Portugal? The answers from people in football are mostly wrong.


A new consensus says that England’s problem is too many foreign players in English football. “Last weekend only 65 English players started in the Premier League,” Greg Dyke, the Football Association’s chairman, grumbled in September. “We already have a very small talent pool and it’s getting smaller.” Many people favour limits on foreign imports, to let in more English players.


However, England’s problem isn’t that there are too few Englishmen in the Premier League. On the contrary: there are too many. England would do better if the country’s best clubs fielded even fewer English players.


Dyke argues that “only” 65 Englishmen start in the Premier League. But in fact 65 is a huge number, more than any other nationality in the world’s toughest league. Englishmen get ample experience of top-class club football. Croatia, Uruguay and Portugal dream of having 65 starters in the Premier League.

真正的问题是,英格兰球员可能参加了太多的顶尖俱乐部比赛。法比奥·卡佩罗(Fabio Capello)担任英格兰主帅一直到2012年,他带队赢下了三分之二的比赛,是队史最佳成绩。他有力地解释了英格兰队为何在夏季赛事中表现欠佳:“在参赛的国家队中,他们是最疲惫的,因为他们的联赛没有冬歇期。”卡佩罗说,如果不给汽车加油,汽油可能半途就耗尽了。

Playing among excellent foreigners has probably helped English internationals improve. Indeed, England’s win percentage has risen since the foreign influx took off in 1996. Moreover, England have reached at least the last 16 of every World Cup since 1998, whereas previously they often didn’t qualify.

英格兰最优秀的球员韦恩·鲁尼(Wayne Rooney)便是如此,他带伤出战了两届世界杯。也正因此,英格兰队在大型赛事中的进球多在上半场攻入(与多数球队不同):1998年世界杯以来,他们的43个进球中有27个发生在上半常到了下半场,他们就“没油”了。英格兰应当考虑将球员从耗费精力的英超联赛转移到更加轻松的克罗地亚或乌拉圭联赛。

In fact, England’s players now probably play too much top-class club football. Fabio Capello – who, as England’s manager until 2012, won two-thirds of his matches (the best run in the team’s history) – explains convincingly why England underperform in summer tournaments: “They’re the least fresh of any of the competing national sides, because their league doesn’t have a break.” If you don’t refuel your car, says Capello, you can end up running on empty.


That happened to Wayne Rooney, England’s best player, who played two World Cups half-fit. It also explains why England, unlike most teams, score the bulk of their goals in major tournaments before halftime: 27 of 43 goals since the 1998 World Cup. After halftime, they are running on empty. England should consider shipping players from the exhausting Premier League to the more laid-back Croatian or Uruguayan leagues.

正如英国《金融时报》的嘉南·加内什(Janan Ganesh)所提到的那样,英国的网球、自行车和板球运动都是通过偷师外国理念而取得成功。有朝一日,英格兰足球也将效仿这种做法。但即便是那样,我们也别指望能赢得世界杯。

Alternatively, the English could steal foreign ideas. Probably because they live on an island, they don’t quite understand how to play football. English kids learn the wrong things. Youth academies here have enough money; more than, say, Spanish or Brazilian academies. But English youth coaching overvalues size and willpower, whereas what matters most is passing. As a youth coach at Barcelona told me, “If he’s small or if he’s tall, for us that is not important.” Spain became world champions by borrowing and updating Dutch “total football”. Germany and Belgium bucked recent declines by stealing best practices from around Europe. The English should try it, instead of fantasising about isolationism.


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