






发布者: sunnyHU | 发布时间: 2013-11-10 18:51| 查看数: 929| 评论数: 0|

Iran plans to convince international companies to invest in its oilfields by offering them more lucrative contracts as part of efforts to repair its battered economy and improve relations with the western world.


The move comes as Tehran and Washington engage in the most constructive negotiations for several years about curbing Iran’s nuclear programme, which could pave the way for a loosening of sanctions that have crippled the oil industry.


In a rare interview, Mehdi Hosseini, an adviser to the oil minister, said the system of “buyback” contracts – which do not allow foreign companies to book reserves or take equity stakes in Iranian projects – would be scrapped.

伊朗石油部长顾问迈赫迪·侯赛尼(Mehdi Hosseini)在一次罕见的采访中表示,伊朗将废除“买回”(buyback)合同,这种合同不允许外资企业计入伊朗项目的储量或持有其股份。

Mr Hosseini said the government was developing a “win-win” type of contract so leading companies “whether American or European” could benefit. Details are expected to be revealed in London next March, he said, as part of an attempt to attract at least $100bn in investment over the next three years.


The overhaul would mark a big step for a regime that has traditionally been hostile to any form of foreign ownership of its vast oil and gas wealth. Iran has the world’s largest gas reserves and fourth-largest oil reserves.


Robin West, senior adviser to IHS Energy, a consultancy, said: “Iran has a long history of aggressive resource nationalism, and I doubt that will change. They have always had very aggressive fiscal terms and tried to shift the investment risk to operators while keeping the lion’s share of revenue.”

能源咨询公司IHS Energy高级顾问罗宾·韦斯特(Robin West)说:“伊朗长期实行激进的资源国有化政策,我对这种格局将会改变表示怀疑。他们的财务条款以前一直咄咄逼人,他们还总是试图将投资风险转嫁给作业方,同时自己保留大部分营收。”

But he said the country’s mature reserves required heavy investment from western majors and to coax them in, Tehran would have to offer “extremely attractive terms”. He added: “If they do, it’ll be a real break with the past.”


Mr Hosseini said that while sanctions might not be lifted “formally, quickly and simultaneously” there were ways that companies and governments could circumvent them.



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