






发布者: wendy1502 | 发布时间: 2013-11-15 13:00| 查看数: 988| 评论数: 0|

New CEO: BlackBerry's Turnaround Could Take A Year And A Half


The man announced on Monday as interim CEO of BlackBerry has publicly reiterated his goal of reviving the struggling company’s fortunes, and even put a rough timeframe on when he expects to see progress. “I know we have the ingredients to build a long-term sustainable business, ” John Chen told Reuters, estimating that the turnaround at the Waterloo, Ontario-based company would take about six quarters, or one and a half years.

本周一获得任命的黑莓临时CEO程守宗(John Chen)公开重申了他的目标:重振这家奋力挣扎的公司。他甚至还提出了一个大致的时间框架,预计在此期间会看到改善。

“I have done this before and seen the movie before, ” Chen added, highlighting why BlackBerry’s board hired him to takeover the six-year reign of CEO Thorsten Heins. Chen is a troubleshooter. He took the reins of money-losing database firm Sybase in 1998 and led it back to profitability within a year.


Sybase was a similar story to BlackBerry. Its shares had traded at $57 in 1994 and dropped to $9 when Chen came on board, following his stint as an executive at mini-computer maker Pyramid Technologies. An energetic CEO who worked long hours, Chen ended up cutting 1, 000 jobs, or around 20% of staff at Sybase, lowering annual costs by $100 million. He also pivoted Sybase to avoid competing directly with dominant enterprise software players Oracle

在解释为何黑莓董事会聘请自己接替六年来稳坐首席执行官之位的托斯腾•海因斯(Thorsten Heins)时,程守宗这样强调:“我以前就曾挽救企业于危时,目睹过这样的过程。”1998年,他接管了正处于亏损困境的数据库软件公司赛贝斯(Sybase),领导该公司在一年之内就扭亏为盈。

Microsoft, and drove further into niche parts of the database market.

当年的赛贝斯与如今的黑莓何其相似。1994年时,赛贝思股价曾一度达到57美元,而及至程守宗接掌帅印之时,其股价已经跌至每股9美元。临危受命以前,程守宗在一家迷你电脑制造商Pyramid Technologies任首席执行官。上任赛贝斯CEO后,这位精力充沛的领导者加班加点地工作,最终裁员1,000人,相当于辞退了赛贝斯约两成的员工,使公司的年度成本削减1亿美元。在程守宗的领导下,赛贝斯避免了与当时占主导地位的企业软件巨头甲骨文(Oracle)和微软正面交锋,选择了进一步开拓数据库市场的利基。

SAP for $5.8 billion.


Chen has yet to detail his plan for BlackBerry, but he may similarly guide it into safer niches like enterprise software services. Many analysts contend that BlackBerry should shutter its consumer business, long-dominated by Apple


Apple and Samsung, and let Microsoft- Nokia


Nokia try to become the third horse in that race.


BlackBerry has already said it will cut 40% of its 12, 700-strong workforces by the end of this year, following 5, 000 layoffs in 2012.


“There is a lot to do, ” Chen said in his interview. “There are a lot of challenges, or otherwise I would not be interested.”


BlackBerry may prove a bigger, more complex challenge than Sybase, thanks to its resonance as a well-known brand. It is a Canadian business success story whose failure has been all the more stunning for its rapidity: in the U.S., its market share has dropped form 14% two years ago, to less than 3% today according to IDC. It also has a landmark role in the history of mobile, as one of the first smart devices to gain mass popularity. There are bound to be more voices in both the boardroom and wider tech community with an interest in BlackBerry’s future.


Chen said his initial plans as CEO will be to stabilize some of BlackBerry’s key relationships, by meeting its customers in government and the financial and telecommunications industries. He’ll also bring new executives on board.


If Chen has an endgame in mind, it may be selling to a larger enterprise software firm. History shows that he knows how to sell to SAP. That’s what happened the last time an outside executive was parachuted into a struggling device maker to turn things around. Not long after former-Microsoft executive Stephen Elop joined Nokia as its first, non-Finnish CEO in Sept. 2010, he brokered a partnership between Nokia and Microsoft.

译 若离 校 丁盈幸

Then last September, exactly two years later, he sold Nokia to Microsoft for $7.2 billion.


consumer [kən'sju:mə] video n. 消费者;用户,顾客

staff [stɑ:f, stæf] video n. 职员;参谋;棒;支撑adj. 职员的;行政工作的vt. 供给人员;给…配备职员vi. 雇用工作人员

partnership ['pɑ:tnəʃip] video n. 合伙;[经管] 合伙企业;合作关系;合伙契约

reign [rein] video vi. 统治;支配;盛行;君临n. 统治;统治时期;支配

resonance ['rezənəns] video n. [力] 共振;共鸣;反响

takeover ['teik,əuvə] video n. 接管;验收

shutter ['ʃʌtə] video n. 快门;百叶窗;关闭物;遮板vt. 为…装百叶窗;以百叶窗遮闭

analyst ['ænəlist] video n. 分析者;精神分析医师;分解者

contend [kən'tend] video vi. 竞争;奋斗;斗争;争论vt. 主张;为...斗争

bigger [bigə] video adj. 更大的(big的比较级)


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