






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-11-19 10:00| 查看数: 738| 评论数: 0|

For a company operating mostly in a shrinking market, Lenovo, the world’s largest PC maker, has been growing quickly.


To accelerate that growth, the Chinese company this month hired actor Ashton Kutcher to help redesign its tablets, hoping that the man who recently played Steve Jobs on screen might help the company’s mobile gadgets catch up with Apple’s.

为加快增长,这家中国企业本月雇佣了演员艾什顿•库彻(Ashton Kutcher),帮助重新设计其平板电脑,以期这位最近在屏幕上扮演史蒂文•乔布斯(Steve Jobs)的人能够帮助联想的移动产品追上苹果(Apple)的产品。

But although its LePads are lagging behind iPads, investors this year have been far more enthusiastic about Lenovo than about the Jobs’s company. Lenovo’s shares are up about 25 per cent, while those of Apple are down 2.3 per cent in the year to date.


To keep investors on side, the company recognises the need to continue its push beyond PCs by expanding a smartphone division now concentrated on China and, potentially, moving into areas such as servers to support rising demand for cloud computing.


Analysts and some of its competitors say Lenovo is one of the few PC companies that seems able to keep outperforming a slow market. Its investment in product design, access to a massive home market, and strong corporate sales have put it in an unusually strong position atop a PC market whose falling sales – down 9 per cent last quarter – have weakened nearly all its rivals.


Last quarter, the group reported record high sales and net income of $9.8bn and $220m, respectively.


“The toughest challenge next year is from Lenovo,” said Jerry Shen, chief executive of Taiwan’s Asus.

华硕(Asus)首席执行官沈振来(Jerry Shen)说:“明年最严峻的挑战来自联想。”

Lenovo’s PC sales, which account for three-quarters of overall revenue, have outstripped those of its rivals, outperforming the market by 12 percentage points, according to market data from Gartner.


Acquisitions, including one in Brazil, and investment in research and marketing have helped it gain share in markets including Europe, although weak economic growth in China, which accounts for 40 per cent of its sales, has dragged down revenues.


Its peers are in far weaker positions. Acer, the fourth-largest PC company by sales, last week said that JT Wang, its long-time chairman and chief executive, would step down following a worsening of the group’s losses. Dell was recently taken private to allow its founders to turn it round. Apple has also had to fend off concerns of slowing sales of the iPhone, although its recent results reassured some doubters.

业内同行的状况疲弱得多。销量第四大的PC企业宏碁(Acer)上周表示,长期担任董事长兼首席执行官的王振堂(JT Wang)将下台,近期该集团亏损日益严重。戴尔(Dell)最近进行了私有化,让创始人设法扭转形势。苹果也在打消人们对iPhone销量放缓的担心,尽管其最近的财报让某些质疑者安下心来。

One of the companies to beat expectations has been Asus, the PC market’s fifth largest group by sales. It has been boosted in part by new products such as its T100, a $349 Windows device that looks like a notebook but whose screen snaps out to become a tablet.


“The market now is rewarding engineering innovation,” said Zane Ball, an Intel executive who manages its relationship with the PC companies using its chips.

英特尔(Intel)负责管理英特尔与使用其芯片的PC企业关系的高管赞恩•鲍尔(Zane Ball)表示:“如今市场正在回报工程创新。”

Lenovo benefits from its dominance of China, where it holds a third of the PC market, and its strength in corporate sales, which are on an uptick now as Microsoft updates its Windows operating system.


“They use their sales from China and commercial to subsidise all [its businesses in] countries in southeast Asia and Europe, and this kind of strategy other companies just cannot follow,” said Mr Shen.


But investors are watching to see if Lenovo can keep expanding its smartphone and tablet business.


Lenovo’s smartphone sales jumped 80 per cent last quarter year on year, and its tablet sales jumped more than 400 per cent, bringing the contribution from mobile to 15 per cent of revenue from 8 per cent last year.


However, its smartphone sales are still mostly in China, where it has struggled to gain ground on market leader Samsung, says Nicole Peng, an analyst for market researcher Canalys, and tablet sales total 2.3m, giving it less than 5 per cent of the global market.

不过,市场研究公司Canalys的分析师彭路平(Nicole Peng)指出,联想智能手机销量仍主要集中在中国,而在中国市场上联想迄今难以从市场领头羊三星(Samsung)夺取份额。联想平板电脑的总销量是230万台,占全球市场不到5%。

Acquisitions are an option for accelerating growth in China, said Yang Yuanqing, chairman and chief executive, on a recent call to discuss results.


Lenovo was reported to be interested in buying BlackBerry, but investors think it is more likely to seal long-running talks with IBM to buy its server business, which could be “transformational” in boosting Lenovo’s presence in the growing demand for cloud storage, said Thompson Wu, an analyst for Credit Suisse, in a recent note to clients.

曾有报道称,联想有意收购黑莓(BlackBerry),但投资者认为联想更有可能敲定与IBM之间的长期谈判,收购IBM的服务器业务。瑞信(Credit Suisse)分析师Thompson Wu在最近发给客户的简报中指出,在云存储需求日益增长之际,此举将“革命性”地增强联想的实力。

Lenovo has declined to comment on what deals could materialise, but, says chief financial officer Wong Waiming: “We are well prepared from a financial perspective as well as from a management capability perspective. We definitely have our eyes open.”

联想拒绝置评哪笔交易有望做成,但首席财务官黄伟明(Wong Waiming)表示:“不管是从财务的角度还是从管理能力的角度,我们都准备就绪。我们肯定在睁大眼睛(留意机会)。”


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