






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-11-20 08:30| 查看数: 862| 评论数: 0|

Typhoon Haiyan displaced an estimated 4 million people in the Philippines-exceeding the number of those who fled their homes during Hurricane Katrina and the Indian Ocean tsunami combined-posing an unprecedented challenge to the government and relief agencies.


'Consider the scale of what were are talking about here,' said Orla Fagan, spokeswoman for the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. 'We are talking about a number of people equivalent the population of some entire countries.'

联合国人道主义事务协调办公室(United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs)发言人费根(Orla Fagan)说,从这个数字看,它相当于一些国家的人口总数。

The typhoon, known locally as Yolanda, displaced more people than any other Philippines natural disaster in recent decades. The eruption of Mount Pinatubo in 1991 on the populous northern island of Luzon required the evacuation of more than 250,000 people. Typhoon Uring that same year left 46,000 homeless, according to the U.N. More recently, in 2010, flooding in the capital of Manila displaced 600,000 people.

此次台风造成菲律宾无家可归的人数超过了该国数十年来其他任何一次自然灾害。1999年人口稠密的北岛吕宋岛发生皮纳图博火山(Mount Pinatubo)喷发时,有超过25万人被要求疏散。据联合国(U.N.)的数据,同一年台风Uring造成4.6万人无家可归。2010年,马尼拉发生的洪灾造成60万人流离失所。

Since storm hit more than a week ago, the Philippines has set up 1,551 emergency shelters, which are now crowded with more than 74,000 families. In some areas, the government and relief agencies are distributing tarps for people to live under.


While it will take time, plans are under way for sturdier, more permanent homes for an undetermined number of the displaced.


President Benigno Aquino III on Sunday said the devastated coconut industry in eastern Samar province will help solve the housing challenge: Six hundred people are being hired to cut toppled coconut trees and send the wood to be made into lumber to build homes.

菲律宾总统阿基诺三世(Benigno Aquino III)周日说,东萨马省遭破坏的椰子业将帮助解决住房挑战:当地已雇佣600人砍伐倒塌的椰子树,这些树木将被加工成木材,用于建造房屋。

The U.N., meanwhile, plans to raise $301 million to clear debris and build shelters over the next six months.


Philippines Finance Secretary Cesar Purisima said he can't yet provide an estimate on how much it will cost to rebuild homes and subsidize people to be able to afford them.

菲律宾财政部长普利斯马(Cesar Purisima)说,他还无法提供重建房屋和提供相关补贴所需费用的预估数据。

'We do have fiscal space to spend for reconstruction,' Mr. Purisima said. 'The estimates are preliminary, but we need to invest significantly on infrastructure.'


The Asian Development Bank and the World Bank have each readied $500 million in loans to help the Philippines finance reconstruction.

亚洲开发银行(Asian Development Bank)和世界银行(World Bank)分别准备好了5亿美元贷款,用于帮助菲律宾为重建融资。

ShelterBox, Habitat for Humanity, Architecture for Humanity are among the groups helping provide shelter for those affected by Haiyan as well as by a recent earthquake in Bohol.

ShelterBox、仁人家园(Habitat for Humanity)和Architecture for Humanity等组织正在帮助为受到“海燕”和近期保和省发生的地震影响的人提供避难所。

Typhoon Haiyan killed at least 3,976 people, and about 1,600 are missing, according to the latest government tally.


In terms of displaced people in natural disasters world-wide, Haiyan ranks high. The worst in recent times was the Sichuan earthquake in China in 2008, which left 26.8 million displaced. Hurricane Katrina left 250,000 displaced in 2005, while the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami left 2 million without homes.



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