





Wearable Technology 可穿戴技术

发布者: wendy1502 | 发布时间: 2013-11-23 14:00| 查看数: 1359| 评论数: 0|

Wearable Technology 可穿戴技术

Wearable Technology

THE HOSTESS: This is Andrew Newman, the product manager from Elexson, a company that specialises in making wearable technology. He showed me their latest fashion designs.

ANDREW NEWMAN: So what you have here is what would outwardly look like a conventional jacket, there's nothing visible on the external faces of this jacket, but when you turn back the flap that has all the buttonholes in it, you've got some controls there: volume up, volume down, skip tracks, and pause/play. But this jacket really illustrates how well the technology integrates into clothing because when you look at the external features of this jacket, there is nothing in there that tells you that there's any wires or any sort of electronics built into it.

THE HOSTESS: Could I try that one on?


THE HOSTESS: Right I'm putting this on now. Right. OK. It feels quite comfortable. It's quite light.

ANDREW NEWMAN: It looks like a typical fashion jacket that's got the added functionality of the iPod controls inside it.

THE HOSTESS: Except that it looks quite bad on me because it's a bit big.

ANDREW NEWMAN: It's not your size.

THE HOSTESS: No, it's not my size and I'm afraid, black is not my colour to be honest.

THE HOSTESS: The jacket feels and looks like a normal outdoor coat and the control buttons and even the cables are made of fabric. But how can electronic switches be made of fabric? In a conventional switch two conductors come together to complete a circuit. But textile technologists like Kevin Flurry, have found a way of layering conductive and insulating fabrics to do the same job.

ANDREW NEWMAN: The critical part is the sensor itself. There are four fabrics that go into it. There are 2 outer layers which are carbon-coated nylon.

THE HOSTESS: So the yarn itself, the actual thread is conductive because it is carbon-coated.

ANDREW NEWMAN: It can actually conduct electricity. Then goes on a layer of bobbin net. That's an insulator produced on special machines that make fabrics that will give you uniform holes. So that's one bobbin net. Then goes on a layer of the warp knitted fabric and that's for conducting about 33% carbon. And that forms the middle layer. So we have started off with the conductor on the bottom, an insulator, a conductor in the middle. Then we put in another bobbin net. This ones got slightly smaller holes so we don't get the holes coinciding over each other. Then on top of that goes another layer of the carbon-coated nylon conducting mesh. And literally to activate it as a switch when you press the top conducting layer passes through the bobbin net mesh touches the central layer and goes through second insulator and makes contact with the back. And that's really what makes the switch. And getting a voltage distortion gets us the precise location of where your finger is actually touching.

THE HOSTESS: Because these sensors are made of fabric they can be used in many other products, for example this backpack as Andrew Newman demonstrates.

ANDREW NEWMAN: On the strap we have five buttons. So if I press 'play', you can hear the music, we can turn the music down or we can turn the music up and we can skip the tracks.

















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