






发布者: sunnyHU | 发布时间: 2013-12-7 16:26| 查看数: 856| 评论数: 0|

Janet Yellen mounted a vigorous defence of the Federal Reserve’s easy money policies as she delivered a confident and comfortable performance to Congress at a confirmation hearing to lead the US central bank.

珍妮特·耶伦(Janet Yellen)昨日为美联储(Federal Reserve)的宽松货币政策进行了有力辩护。被提名为美联储下任主席的她,在美国国会的任命确认听证会上表现自信、自在。

Ms Yellen told members of the Senate banking committee that it was “imperative to do what we can to promote a strong economic recovery”.

耶伦对参议院银行业委员会(Senate banking committee)委员们表示,“我们绝对有必要采取我们力所能及的行动,促进强劲的经济复苏”。

She noted that the labour market had improved, but was still performing “far short” of its potential, with unemployment at 7.3 per cent. She added that the benefits of the Fed’s unconventional asset purchase programme – worth $85bn per month, on top of ultra-low interest rates – exceeded its costs.


“These purchases have made a meaningful contribution to economic growth and to the improving outlook,” she said.


Ms Yellen’s tone was relatively dovish, but she did not offer any big clues about when the Fed might begin slowing, or tapering, the pace of its asset purchases.


After a strong jobs report for October, some economists believe the Fed could make such a move as early as December, but most expect that moment will not come until early next year.


Ms Yellen said there was “no set time” for tapering and at each Fed meeting officials were assessing whether there had been sufficient progress in the labour market to justify such a decision.


Throughout a hearing that lasted more than two hours, Ms Yellen faced scepticism about the effectiveness, risks, and seemingly open-ended nature of the Fed’s easy money policies from Republican lawmakers.


One described them as a “morphine drip”, another as a “sugar high”, and another still as “elitist”.


“If the labour market doesn’t improve to the point that you reach your target, how long can this continue?” asked Mike Crapo, the top Republican on the Senate banking committee. Ms Yellen responded: “It cannot go on forever, there are costs and risks associated with the programme. We’re monitoring those very carefully.”

“如果劳动力市场一直不能好转到达到你的目标的程度,这还能持续多久?”参议院银行业委员会的共和党一号人物迈克·克拉波(Mike Crapo)问道。对此耶伦回应说:“不能永久持续下去,这个计划是有成本和风险的。我们正非常认真地关注这一切。”

Overall, however, the criticism levelled at Ms Yellen from Republicans was relatively muted, suggesting that her confirmation will be approved by the Senate and she will take over from Ben Bernanke when his term at the helm of the Fed ends in January. Bob Corker, a Republican senator from Tennessee, ended his questioning with praise for Ms Yellen’s “candour and transparency”.

不过,总体而言,共和党议员对耶伦提出的批评是相对温和的,这似乎表明她的任命将得到参议院批准,她将在明年1月本·伯南克(Ben Bernanke)的任期结束时接掌美联储。田纳西州共和党参议员鲍勃·科克(Bob Corker)在结束提问时,对耶伦的“坦率和透明”表示赞赏。


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