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Top 10 MBA startups


1. Wildfire Interactive

1. 社交媒体营销公司Wildfire Interactive

Founded in 2008 by Stanford MBA Alain Chuard and Harvard MBA Victoria Ransom, this social media marketing software company was acquired by Google last year for a reported $350 million, plus $100 million in retention bonuses.


2. Viku

2. Viku影视

A class project of co-founders from both Stanford and Harvard, this video streaming startup based in Singapore attracted smart money from LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman and Singapore entrepreneur Joichi Ito. It is being acquired by Japan-based Rakuten for a reported $200 million.


3. Skybox Imaging

3. 卫星成像公司Skybox Imaging

As a Stanford MBA student, John Fenwick popped into the university's engineering school and asked a professor to bring him the sharpest person there. That's how he met the future co-founders of this startup that is commercializing space imaging with a budget satellite fleet. Skybox has gotten $91 million in funding.

约翰•芬威克在斯坦福就读MBA课程期间有一次曾经匆匆忙忙地来到斯坦福工程学院,请一位教授向他推荐那里最棒的学生。就这样,他见到了随后和他一起创立这家公司的伙伴们。Skybox Imaging利用一些收费便宜的卫星提供商业化空间成像服务,已经筹集到了9100万美元(5.54亿元人民币)资金。

4. Karma Science

4. Karma Science

Launched in 2011 by Stanford MBA Ben Lewis and Michigan Ross MBA Lee Linden, Karma created a model for person-to-person gifting via mobile devices in real-time. The company was acquired by Facebook last year for a reported $80 million.

Karma Science公司由斯坦福MBA本•刘易斯和密歇根大学罗斯商学院(Michigan Ross)MBA李•林登在2011年创立,已经成为通过移动设备实时进行个人礼物馈赠的典范。去年,Facebook收购了这家公司,据称收购价为8000万美元(4.87亿元人民币)。

5. Okta

5. 身份和访问管理公司Okta

Backed by $79.3 million in angel and venture capital funding, this identity and access management startup was founded in 2009 by MIT Sloan MBA Frederick Kerrest and former salesforce.com colleague Todd McKinnon. Kerrest earned his MBA on a Saturday in 2009 and the following Monday he was working full-time in Okta's first office in San Francisco.

这家处于起步阶段的身份和访问管理公司成立于2009年,创始人是麻省理工斯隆商学院(MIT Sloan)MBA弗雷德里克•克里斯特和曾就职于客户关系管理服务网站salesforce.com的托德•麦金农。目前,这家初创公司已经获得7930万美元(4.83亿元人民币)的天使和风投资金支持。克里斯特在2009年的一个星期六拿到了MBA学位,接下来的星期一他就开始在Okta设在旧金山的第一个办公室做起了全职工作。

6. SoFi

6. 学生贷款平台SoFi

Stanford MBA James Finnigan connected with a trio of Sloan Fellows at the university to launch this student loan lending platform that has attracted $77.2 million in funding to bring offer loans and refinancing for MBAs and other grad students.


7. Locu

7. 在线广告公司Locu

This online advertising startup was formed in 2011 by MIT Sloan MBAs Rene Reinsberg and Marc Piette and a couple of engineering savvy co-founders. It quickly signed up more than 30,000 restaurants, spas, salons and other companies to promote their businesses online. Locu was acquired this past August by Go Daddy for a reported $70 million.

这家刚刚起步的在线广告公司成立于2011年,创始人包括麻省理工斯隆商学院MBA勒内•赖恩斯贝格和马克•帕特以及一些工程领域的专业人士。很快,Locu就和3万多家餐馆、SPA、沙龙及其他机构签订了在线业务推广合同。去年8月份,域名及网络主机服务供应商Go Daddy收购了Locu,收购价据称为7000万美元(4.26亿元人民币)。

8. Counsyl

8. 医疗检测公司Counsyl

Founded in 2008 in a Stanford dorm room, this startup came up with a simple, saliva-based test for more than 100 serious genetic diseases from cystic fibrosis to sickle cell. Stanford MBA Ramji Srinivasan, now CEO and one of three co-founders, has raised $60.2 million in venture funding for the company.


9. Warby Parker

9. 新锐眼镜公司Warby Parker

Wharton MBAs David Gilboa and Neil Blumenthal came up with the idea to create a lifestyle brand of eyeglasses, using their classmates to help them establish pricing and even come up with the company name, a hybrid of Jack Kerouac characters. Warby Parker now has $55 million in funding, including an investment from a marketing prof who still helps out with customer analysis.

沃顿商学院(Wharton)MBA大卫•吉尔波亚和尼尔•布卢门撒尔想建立一个富有生活气息的眼镜品牌。他们请同班同学来帮忙定价,甚至帮他们给公司取名字——Warby Parker——取自美国小说家杰克•凯鲁亚克笔下的两个人物。这家公司目前筹集了5500万美元(3.35亿元人民币)资金,其中一位专门从事营销工作的投资者还在帮助这家公司进行客户分析。

10. Rent The Runway

10.时尚电商 Rent The Runway

Harvard MBAs Jennifer Hyman and Jennifer Fleiss founded this e-commerce startup in 2009 with the idea to bring runway fashion to the masses via mail order. So far, they've racked up $54.4 million in funding from outside investors.



investment [in'vestmənt] video n. 投资;投入;封锁

satellite ['sætəlait] video n. 卫星;人造卫星;随从;卫星国家

sickle ['sikl] video n. 镰刀

entrepreneur [,ɔntrəprə'nə:] video n. 企业家;承包人;主办者

device [di'vais] video n. 装置;策略;图案


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