






发布者: sunnyHU | 发布时间: 2013-12-11 20:39| 查看数: 866| 评论数: 0|


1. New York City, U.S.

1. 纽约(美国)

If you like your Christmas celebrations bold and over-the-top, make New York City your holiday destination. Manhattan seems even more magnificent at Christmas time. Rockefeller Center's iconic Christmas tree and outdoor skating rink vie for attention with the beautiful storefront displays at Macy's, and Saks 5th Avenue. Explore holiday markets at Grand Central Terminal, Bryant Park and Columbus Circle.


2. Montreal, Canada

2. 蒙特利尔 (加拿大)

Arts and entertainment take centre stage in Montreal's Christmas celebrations. Witness holiday magic at the Les Grands Ballets performance of the Nutcracker, or immerse yourself in Old Montreal's Extravaganza festival. Here a traditional Christmas village highlights the Yuletide season with a full-fledged European market, outdoor Christmas carols, horse-drawn carriage rides, an exhibition of Santa Clauses and a tour of nativity scenes created by local and foreign artisans.


3. London, England

3. 伦敦 (英国)

The capital is bursting with holiday cheer. Dazzling Christmas lights brighten up Oxford Street, Covent Garden and Carnaby Street. Skating aficionados can go for a seasonal spin on the picturesque rinks in Somerset House, Hyde Park, Canary Wharf and the Tower of London. Love holiday music? St. Martin-in-the-Fields hosts an inspiring line-up of Christmas concerts while London's most famous Christmas tree holds court nearby in Trafalgar Square.


4. Rovaniemi, Finland

4. 洛瓦涅米 (芬兰)

For a storybook Christmas, Rovaniemi, Finland is hard to beat. Lapland's main city becomes a winter wonderland. Blanketed with crisp, white snow and illuminated by the spectacular northern lights glowing overhead, this magical place is home to Father Christmas himself, Santa Claus. Stood at the Arctic Circle, Santa Claus Village welcomes visitors of all ages. Meet Santa's reindeer, huskies and elves for holiday memories that will last a lifetime.


5. Prague, Czech Republic

5. 布拉格 (捷克)

Prague's stunning Gothic architecture provides a dramatic setting for its Christmas festivities. At the foot of the [Church of Our Lady Tyn] the Old Town Christmas market sells Czech gifts, stocking fillers and treats to the thousands of shoppers who visit each December. Carolers perform seasonal favourites while an impressively tall and elaborately decorated Christmas tree adds to the joyous atmosphere.


6. Vienna, Austria

6. 维也纳 (奥地利)

Vienna isn't shy about its love for Christmas. Traditional holiday markets bring romance and old-fashioned charm to the city. The air is alive with the enticing aromas of roasted chestnuts, candied fruit and warm spice punch. Classical concerts, pony and carousel rides and an abundance of brightly lit Christmas trees make Vienna an enchanting world of holiday wonder for visitors of all ages.


7. Stuttgart, Germany

7. 斯图加特 (德国)

A visit to Stuttgart's Christmas festival is like stepping back in time. The medieval Old Palace, vibrant Christmas market and breathtaking illuminations create a seasonal paradise. Skate on the outdoor rink, feast upon grilled sausages and soak up the fairy-tale ambience in the heart of the city. Daily concert performances ring out from the Renaissance courtyard of the Old Palace much to the delight of holiday visitors.


8. Edinburgh, Scotland

8. 爱丁堡 (苏格兰)

Scotland knows how to throw a holiday party. With six weeks of celebrations from St. Andrew's Day through to Hogmanay (New Year's), Edinburgh is bursting with seasonal excitement. Stroll through the Christmas market in its dramatic setting below Edinburgh Castle. Get a bird's eye view of the holiday decorations and carnival atmosphere atop the city's big wheel, or enjoy the many beautifully lit streets and shops in the city centre. (Photo courtesy of (C)VisitScotland/Scottish Viewpoint)


9. Antwerp, Belgium

9. 安特卫普 (比利时)

Historic buildings and sensational holiday decorations make Antwerp one of Europe's most popular Christmas destinations. The city centre is buoyant with the spirit of the season thanks to the lively Christmas market, 200 ft-long skating rink and festive evening concerts. Sample mulled wine and Belgian delicacies as you watch the antics of the much beloved street entertainers.

(Photo by Jan Crab, courtesy of Antwerp Tourism & Convention) 充满历史感的建筑和绝妙的节日装扮让安特卫普成为了欧洲绝佳的游玩胜地。欢乐的圣诞集市,200英尺长的滑雪场以及节日晚间音乐会让整个城市在这个美妙的节日里变得活泼可爱。还有什么比一边看着街头滑稽表演一边品着标志的热饮和比利时佳肴更让人欢愉的呢!

10. Quebec City, Canada

10. 魁北克市 (加拿大)

When the narrow streets of Old Quebec City are covered in a dusting of snow, it feels like you've wandered into a Christmas card come to life. Enjoy the warm hospitality of this charming Canadian city with festive outdoor concerts, holiday markets and the extravagant QuebecAdabra! - an evening festival of music, animation and architectural projections. QuebecAdabra! runs from December 22, 2011 to January 4, 2012.



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