






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-12-15 17:46| 查看数: 1010| 评论数: 0|

PSA Peugeot Citro?n and China’s state-owned carmaker Dongfeng Motor have agreed the main terms of an industrial and commercial partnership that will include a large capital injection into the French group in return for technology sharing.法国标致雪铁龙(PSA Peugeot Citro?n)与中国国有的东风汽车(Dongfeng Motor)已就一项产业及商务合作伙伴关系的主要条款达成一致,中方将向法方注入大笔资金以换取技术共享。

The two carmakers are still hammering out the details but the agreement is expected to involve a ¢3bn-¢4bn capital raising by Peugeot and an agreement for the two groups jointly to develop and produce low-cost small cars for southeast Asian markets. 两家集团仍在敲定细节,但预计这项协议将涉及标致雪铁龙进行30亿至40亿欧元的筹资,同时两家集团将达成协议,共同研发和生产面向东南亚市场的低成本小型车。

Peugeot hopes to be able to have the deal announced in the first quarter of next year, according to two people briefed on the discussions. 据熟悉商谈情况的两名人士透露,标致雪铁龙希望能够在明年第一季度宣布达成上述协议。

The French group is desperate to lower its over-dependence on the moribund European car market and is rapidly burning through its capital reserves. Both Peugeot and Dongfeng declined to comment. 这家法国集团急于降低对死气沉沉的欧洲汽车市场的过度依赖,而且正在快速消耗其资本储备。标致雪铁龙和东风两家均拒绝置评。

This year Peugeot closed the first large car factory in France for 30 years and reduced its workforce as it seeks to reduce the ¢3bn cash burn it suffered in 2012. The group has hired a former Renault executive to lead a more globalised push. 今年,标致雪铁龙30年来首次关闭法国的大型汽车厂,并削减员工人数。该集团这么做是为了减缓“烧钱”速度,2012年,该集团消耗了30亿欧元资金。标致雪铁龙聘请了雷诺(Renault)的一名前任高管,由其领导该集团推进全球化。

The company already has a successful joint venture with Dongfeng building cars in China, but trails the likes of Fiat and Volkswagen in markets such as South America, and Renault-Nissan in tapping growth in southeast Asian markets. 标致雪铁龙与东风已然拥有一家成功的合资企业,在中国制造汽车,但该集团在南美等市场落后于菲亚特(Fiat)和大众汽车(Volkswagen),在从东南亚市场的增长中获利方面落后于雷诺-日产(Renault-Nissan)。

Carmakers have increasingly turned to alliances and joint ventures to increase their scale and cost efficiencies, but a deal between Peugeot and General Motors to share some products and suppliers failed to live up to the French carmaker’s hopes. 如今汽车制造商日益转向联盟和合资,以提高规模和成本效益,但是标致雪铁龙与通用汽车(General Motors)达成的共享某些产品及供应商的协议,在实践中却未能达到这家法国集团的期望。

There are expected to be 5.5m cars and light vehicles sold in southeast Asia this year, roughly half the amount of western Europe. 预计今年东南亚市场销售的轿车和轻型车辆将达到550万辆,大致为西欧销量的一半。

But the region’s market is expected to grow by more than half by the end of the decade, versus flat or marginal growth in Europe. 不过,预计东南亚市场到2010年代结束时将增长逾一半,而欧洲只能实现零增长或微幅增长。


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