





朝鲜最近很忙 细数张成泽罪状

发布者: 钢之炼金术师 | 发布时间: 2013-12-15 22:03| 查看数: 1178| 评论数: 0|


North Korea said early Friday morning it had executed Jang Song Thaek, the uncle of dictator Kim Jong Un. In a statement running over 2,700 words, North Korea's state media laid out in detail the accusations against Mr. Jang. The statement was described as an examination of Mr. Jang's crimes by a special military tribunal of the North Korean Ministry of State Security on Dec. 12.

朝鲜周五早间称,朝鲜领导人金正恩(Kim Jong Un)的姑父张成泽(Jang Song Thaek)已被处决。在一篇2,700多字的声明中,朝鲜的官方媒体详细罗列了张成泽的罪状。这篇声明被视为朝鲜国家安全保卫部(North Korean Ministry of State Security)一个特别军事法庭12月12日审判张成泽的判决书。

Following are some of the key points--and rhetorical flourishes--of the statement:


--Mr. Jang 'committed such hideous crime as attempting to overthrow the state by all sorts of intrigues and despicable methods with a wild ambition to grab the supreme power of our party and state.'


--'...despicable human scum Jang, who was worse than a dog, perpetrated thrice-cursed acts of treachery in betrayal of such profound trust and warmest paternal love shown by the party and the leader for him.'


--When Kim Jong Un was elected vice-chairman of the Central Military Commission of the Workers' Party of Korea... 'he [Jang] behaved so arrogantly and insolently as unwillingly standing up from his seat and half-heartedly clapping, touching off towering resentment of our service personnel and people.'

--在金正恩当选朝鲜劳动党(Workers' Party of Korea)中央军事委员会(Central Military Commission)副委员长时,张成泽表现得傲慢无礼,极不情愿地从座位上站起来勉强拍手鼓掌,引发了朝鲜军民的冲天愤慨。

--'Jang did serious harm to the youth movement in our country, being part of the group of renegades and traitors in the field of youth work bribed by enemies. Even after they were disclosed and purged by the resolute measure of the party, he patronized those cat's paws and let them hold important posts of the party and state.'


--'He [Jang] worked hard to put all affairs of the country under his control, massively increasing the staff of his department and organs under it, and stretch his tentacles to ministries and national institutions.'


--'He was so imprudent as to prevent the Taedonggang Tile Factory from erecting a mosaic depicting Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il and a monument to field guidance given by them. Moreover, Jang turned down the unanimous request of the service personnel of a unit of the Korean People's Internal Security Forces to have the autograph letter sent by Kim Jong Un to the unit carved on a natural granite and erected with good care in front of the building of its command. He was so reckless as to instruct the unit to erect it in a shaded corner.'

--他还竟敢阻挠大同江瓷砖厂(Taedonggang Tile Factory)建造金日成(Kim Il Sung)和金正日(Kim Jong Il)的马赛克壁画以及有关现场指示的纪念碑。朝鲜人民内卫部队(Korean People's Internal Security Forces)的将士曾一致要求将金正恩致部队的亲笔信镌刻在天然花岗石上并将石碑树立在指挥部大楼前。但张成泽却拒绝了这一要求,最后随便指示部队将石碑建在一个背阴的角落。

--'Dreaming a fantastic dream to become premier at an initial stage to grab the supreme power of the party and state, Jang made his department put major economic fields of the country under its control in a bid to disable the Cabinet. In this way he schemed to drive the economy of the country and people's living into an uncontrollable catastrophe.'


--'Abusing his authority, he undermined the work system related to the construction of the capital city established by Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il, reducing the construction building-materials bases to such bad shape little short of debris in a few years.'


--'He instructed his stooges to sell coal and other precious underground resources at random. Consequently, his confidants were saddled with huge debts, deceived by brokers.'


--' Jang made no scruple of committing such act of treachery in May last as selling off the land of the Rason economic and trade zone to a foreign country for a period of five decades under the pretext of paying those debts.'


--'It was none other than Jang who wirepulled behind scene Pak Nam Gi, traitor for all ages, to recklessly issue hundreds of billions of won in 2009, sparking off serious economic chaos and disturbing the people's mind-set.'

--正是张泽成幕后指使千古逆贼 南基(Pak Nam Gi)在2009年草率发行了数千亿朝鲜圆,引发了严重的经济混乱,扰乱了民心。

--'Jang encouraged money-making under various pretexts to secure funds necessary for gratifying his political greed and was engrossed in irregularities and corruption. He thus took the lead in spreading indolent, careless and undisciplined virus in our society.'


--'...he set up a secret organ under his control and took a fabulous amount of funds from a bank and purchased rare metals in disregard of the state law. He thus committed such anti-state criminal acts as creating a great confusion in financial management system of the state.'


--'He let the decadent capitalist lifestyle find its way to our society by distributing all sorts of pornographic pictures among his confidants since 2009. He led a dissolute, depraved life, squandering money wherever he went.'


--'He took at least 4.6 million Euro from his secret coffers and squandered it in 2009 alone and enjoyed himself in casino in a foreign country.'


--'Jang was so reckless with his greed for power that he persistently worked to stretch his tentacles even to the People's Army with a foolish calculation that he would succeed in staging a coup if he mobilized the army.'

--张成泽被权利野心冲昏了头脑,甚至顽固不化地将触角伸向人民军(People's Army),愚蠢地认为若能够调动军队,就可以成功策划政变。

The statement ends with the following:


The special military tribunal of the Ministry of State Security of the DPRK confirmed that the state subversion attempted by the accused Jang with an aim to overthrow the people's power of the DPRK by ideologically aligning himself with enemies is a crime punishable by Article 60 of the DPRK Criminal Code, vehemently condemned him as a wicked political careerist, trickster and traitor for all ages in the name of the revolution and the people and ruled that he would be sentenced to death according to it.



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