






发布者: 钢之炼金术师 | 发布时间: 2013-12-16 21:51| 查看数: 842| 评论数: 0|


The EU has halted efforts to revive a landmark integration deal with Ukraine, amid growing doubts that any deal can be done with the country’s president Viktor Yanukovich and his current government.

欧盟(EU)已暂停吸收乌克兰入盟的里程碑式谈判。目前各方越来越怀疑能否与乌克兰总统维克托•亚努科维奇(Viktor Yanukovich)及其政府达成任何协议。

The EU announcement on the suspension of talks came in a tweet from Stefan Füle, enlargement commissioner. Brussels and protesters in Kiev fear Ukraine will now move closer to Russia tomorrow, when senior officials from the two countries are expected to sign a “strategic agreement” to improve trade links – potentially inflaming demonstrators.

欧盟扩大事务专员斯特凡•菲莱(Stefan Füle)在一条Twitter消息中发布了欧盟暂停谈判的声明。欧盟当局和基辅的抗议者担心,乌克兰明天将采取行动与俄罗斯结成更亲密的关系,届时两国高级官员预计将签署改善贸易关系的“战略协议”,此举有可能激怒示威者。

The developments came on the 25th day of mass protests sparked by Mr Yanukovich’s decision to back away from the EU deal, with both pro- and anti-government demonstrators taking to the streets in rival shows of strength. The anti-government protest yet again drew six-figure crowds, this time estimated at 200,000.


In a potential setback for the government, the counter-protest organised by Mr Yanukovich’s Regions party was only about one-tenth the size.


EU officials insisted yesterday that the door remained open for Ukraine to sign a deal. But privately they expressed frustration that contradictory signals from Mr Yanukovich and his government were making the Kiev leadership almost impossible to deal with.


John McCain, US senator, also weighed into the geopolitical tussle between Moscow and the west, addressing the crowds in Independence Square, Kiev.

美国参议员约翰•麦凯恩(John McCain)也投入俄罗斯和西方之间的地缘政治角力,他在基辅独立广场向人群发表演讲。

“Your destiny lies in Europe. Ukraine will make Europe better and Europe will make Ukraine better. America stands with you,” Mr McCain said, as demonstrators chanted, “Thank you, thank you.”


EU foreign ministers meeting in Brussels today are set to discuss ways to unblock talks with Kiev, but an EU diplomat warned that it would be tough to do so soon.


Ministers will also meet Sergei Lavrov, Russian foreign minister, and are expected to highlight Europe’s frustration with what they see as Moscow’s meddling in the EU-Ukraine talks.

外长们还将会晤俄罗斯外长谢尔盖•拉夫罗夫(Sergei Lavrov),预计他们将强调对于在他们看来莫斯科干预欧盟-乌克兰谈判的不满。


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