






发布者: 钢之炼金术师 | 发布时间: 2013-12-25 21:56| 查看数: 900| 评论数: 0|


Japan is to supply arms to UN peacekeepers for the first time, marking another step in its increasingly assertive foreign policy under Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

日本将首次向联合国维和部队供应军火,此举标志着安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)首相主政的日本在外交政策上越来越自信。

Under the plan, approved on Monday by the Cabinet Office, Japan is to provide South Korean forces in South Sudan with about 10,000 rounds of rifle ammunition without charge, to meet a shortage identified by troops deployed in the eastern state of Jonglei, where clashes bewteen rival factions have left at least 500 people dead and hundreds wounded.


Over the past 20 years, Japan has dispatched thousands of self-defence force and police personnel to UN missions in Cambodia, Mozambique, Timor-Leste and Haiti, while ranking as among the biggest donors to the UN’s peacekeeping budget. But it has never before supplied arms to the military of another country through the UN, said a government official.


The decision comes as Japan seeks to distance itself from its post-second world war pacifism, committing last week to building a stronger military to counter perceived security threats, including an increasingly powerful China. Under Mr Abe, prime minister since December 2012, Japan is to lift its defence spending for the first time in 11 years, boosting purchases of drones, stealth aircraft and amphibious vehicles.


According to the new national security strategy, Japan envisions a more “active” peacekeeping role in Asia that would involve closer military co-operation with allies such as the US, South Korea and Australia, as well as a formal “reconsidering” of a ban on weapons exports.


In response, China’s foreign ministry complained that the Japanese documents “rehash stale ideas, hype up ‘China threat theory’, play up regional tensions and make excuses for arms expansion in the disguise of maintaining its security and regional peace”.


Japan and China have been locked in a long dispute over a chain of tiny islands in the East China Sea, with tensions rising last month when Beijing announced an air-defence zone over a wide area including the islands.


Relations between Tokyo and Seoul have been strained too. Mr Abe and Park Geun-hye have not held a formal meeting since the South Korean president was elected in February because of Seoul’s unhappiness at what it sees as Japan’s insufficient remorse regarding its colonial rule over its neighbour. The two nations are also engaged in a separate territorial dispute over the Seoul-administered Dokdo Islands, known as Takeshima in Japan – a small set of rocky outcrops in the Sea of Japan.

日本和韩国之间的关系也存在一些紧张因素。韩国总统朴槿惠(Park Geun-hye)自今年2月当选以来,至今未与安倍正式会晤,原因是在韩方眼中,日本对当年对朝鲜半岛殖民统治的悔意不到位,这令韩方不满。两国还围绕韩国管理的独岛(Dokdo Islands)——日本称竹岛(Takeshima)——陷入领土纠纷。该岛是日本海一组小小的岛礁。

Since taking office, Mr Abe has made it clear that he wants to loosen the terms of Japan’s anti-war constitution to allow its forces to fight in defence of its allies.


In a television programme aired on Sunday, Mr Abe described revising the constitution as his “career goal”, adding that he hoped for co-operation from opposition parties to reach the requisite two-thirds majority support for such a move in both houses of parliament.



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