






发布者: 钢之炼金术师 | 发布时间: 2013-12-30 21:46| 查看数: 832| 评论数: 0|


China's health regulators are rolling out a corporate blacklist for drug and medical-device companies implicated in commercial bribery, a move aimed at stamping out corruption in the country's graft-ridden health-care sector.


Beginning in March, the National Health and Family Planning Commission will publish on its website a record of medical-related manufacturers, agencies and individuals charged with bribery by courts, sued, punished or investigated for bribery, the commission said in a statement on its website Friday. The statement also said that the agency reserved the right to place any company on the list for legal and regulatory violations.


Listed companies will be barred for two years from selling their products within the province in which they are implicated, the statement said. It said companies can apply as usual to sell their products in other provinces but will be at a disadvantage.Companies listed twice in a five-year period will be banned nationally for two years, the statement said.

《通知》称, 上榜的企业,本省级区域内公立医疗机构不得从这些企业购入药品。《通知》还称,上榜企业可申请在其他省级区域照常出售其产品,但对该企业产品作减分处理。对五年内二次及以上上榜的企业,全国所有公立医疗机构两年内不得购入其药品、医用设备和医用耗材。

The developments come amid a heightened state of scrutiny of China's health-care industry.


The Ministry of Public Security in July accused U.K. drug company GlaxoSmithKline PLC of bribing doctors, hospitals and government officials in an effort to sell more drugs at higher prices. Glaxo has said it appears some of its managers in China might have broken the law, and says it is cooperating with the probe.

中国公安部7月份时对英国医药公司葛兰素史克(Glaxosmithkline plc, GSK, GSK.LN)进行立案调查,该公司被指控贿赂医生、医院和政府官员,以达到高价出售更多药品的目的。葛兰素史克已表示,该公司中国业务的某些管理人员可能触犯了法律,并表示,公司正协助调查。

French food giant Danone SA's baby-food arm Dumex Baby Food Co. announced in October it would overhaul management and marketing at its infant formula business in China following allegations by the official China Central Television that it paid hospital staff to use its products and boost sales.

法国食品生产巨头达能(Danone SA)旗下的婴儿食品子公司多美滋婴儿食品公司(Dumex Baby Food Co.)曾在今年10月宣布,将对在华婴儿配方奶粉业务的管理和市场营销进行全面调整。此前,中国中央电视台报道称,为了提高产品销量,美滋婴收买医院的医务人员,以鼓励其使用该公司的产品。

The health commission's list will show details such as the name, address and legal representative of bribery-connected manufacturers or individuals, as well as information on their alleged crimes, the statement said. It also said regional health departments will be required to report companies to central authorities within a month of any alleged offense.


Medical companies have in recent years flocked to the Chinese market, where a health-care overhaul has expanded access to services and boosted demand for pharmaceuticals and medical devices. The country's health-care spending is expected to triple to $1 trillion by 2020 from $357 billion in 2011, according to consulting firm McKinsey & Co.

中国的医疗体制改革不仅扩大了医疗服务渠道,也提升了对药品和医疗器械的需求,促使医药企业近些年来蜂拥涌向中国市场。咨询机构麦肯锡公司(McKinsey & Co.)称,预计到2020年,中国的医疗支出将较2011年的3,570亿美元增加两倍,达到1万亿美元。

Yet the country's hospital system, underfunded and strained, has historically been plagued by kickbacks and ripe for corruption. Doctors are widely seen as underpaid, which makes them prime recipients of honorariums, which are legal, or illegal cuts of sales from drug companies, industry insiders say.


Health-care companies typically sell through multiple layers of distributors that are difficult to oversee, industry players say.



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