






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-1-7 14:59| 查看数: 1136| 评论数: 1|

Falcon Private Bank, a Switzerland-based boutique private wealth manager backed by Abu Dhabi's sovereign wealth fund, is exiting its Hong Kong operations.

总部位于瑞士的安勤私人银行有限公司(Falcon Private Bank)将退出香港市场。该行是一家由阿布扎比主权财富基金支持的私人财富管理机构。

The bank blamed the decision on growing competition and rising costs, even as the Asia region, led by China, is projected to power global wealth over coming decades.


Falcon will seek to hand off the bulk of its Hong Kong business to another Swiss bank, EFG International.

安勤私人银行将寻求将香港业务的大部分转让给另外一家瑞士银行――EFG International。

'It is very difficult and costly to do business in China,' said Eduardo Leemann, Falcon's Chief Executive Officer in a telephone interview.


'You have a lot of people who are asset rich but not necessarily cash rich,' he said, adding the firm hadn't lost money in its China operations.


Falcon has had operations in Asia for 25 years and the Swiss wealth manager isn't exiting the region entirely. It plans to use the influence of its Middle East owners to win new business in Malaysia and Indonesia, while maintaining a focus on the Middle East, Africa and Russia.


Falcon is owned by Aabar Investments PJS, the majority shareholder of which is the Abu Dhabi government's International Petroleum Investment Company sovereign wealth fund.

安勤私人银行由Aabar Investments PJS拥有,后者的大股东是阿布扎比政府主权财富基金国际石油投资公司(International Petroleum Investment Company sovereign)。

Zurich-based EFG International will look to take over Falcon's Hong Kong business and could assume around 883 million dollars in assets under management. EFG was established in Asia in 2000 and has around $16.34 billion under management in the region.

总部位于苏黎世的EFG International将准备接收安勤私人银行的香港业务,可能将接管大约8.83亿美元的资产。EFG亚洲业务于2000年设立,在该地区管理着大约163.4亿美元资产。

While some wealth managers continue to bulk up their presence in places like Hong Kong and Singapore by expanding their offices and adding new hires, wealth management has been impacted by slower economic growth, forcing private banks to focus on costs and keep a lid on compensation.


A growing list of millionaires in China and beyond has attracted small boutique players who are jostling for market share against established heavy weights such as UBS AG and Credit Suisse Group Inc.

中国等地的百万富翁越来越多,吸引小型财富管理公司与瑞士银行(UBS AG)和瑞士信贷集团(Credit Suisse Group Inc.)等重量级公司争夺市场。

The withdrawal of Falcon from Hong Kong comes as analyst's project the Asia-Pacific region to become the biggest wealth market by population this year, according to a 2013 report by Capgemini and RBC Wealth Management. Wealth in the Asia-Pacific region has increased by 27% since 2007, the same report said, tipping Asia to overtake North America as the world's wealth center.

在安勤决定从香港退出之前,Capgemini和RBC Wealth Management 2013年的一篇报告显示,分析师预计今年亚太地区将成为以人口计规模最大的财富管理市场。该报道称,自2007年以来,亚太地区财富增加了27%,预计亚洲将取代北美,成为全球财富中心。

Yet despite the apparent jump, Asian private bankers produce fewer revenues than their global counterparts. A study by Accenture found that Asian private bankers generate around $600,000 in annual revenue compared with $1.1 million in North America and $1.3 million in Europe.



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