






发布者: betty9011 | 发布时间: 2014-1-18 14:09| 查看数: 982| 评论数: 0|

Former Israeli leader Ariel Sharon, who through his long career was a renowned warrior, champion of Jewish settlements and, eventually, an advocate of a more conciliatory approach toward Palestinians, died Saturday.

以色列前领导人沙龙(Ariel Sharon)上周六去世。在他的长期职业生涯中,他曾是著名的斗士、犹太人定居点的捍卫者,最终还提倡对巴勒斯坦人采取更缓和态度。

Israel's president, Shimon Peres, credited him as a leading patriot. 'Arik loved his people, and his people loved him,' Mr. Peres said in a statement, referring to Mr. Sharon by his nickname. 'He was one of Israel's greatest defenders and chief architects, who never knew fear and never lack for vision. Sharon knew how to decide and how to act.'

以色列总统佩雷斯(Shimon Peres)称赞沙龙是卓越的爱国者。佩雷斯在一份声明中说,阿里克(Arik, 沙龙的昵称)热爱他的人民,人民也热爱他。他是以色列最伟大的守护者和总建筑师之一,从不畏惧、从不缺乏远见卓识。沙龙知道该如何决定、如何行动。

Mr. Sharon's career spanned the history of Israel from its establishment in 1948. As a soldier, he commanded troops in every major conflict through the 1973 Arab-Israeli war, when he encircled Egypt's Third Army in the Sinai and was hailed at home as the 'King of Israel.'


In subsequent years, he was a senior member of the Likud Party and served in numerous cabinet posts. Among them, he was minister of defense during Israel's 1982 invasion of Lebanon, an episode that left him tarred by a government commission that blamed him for failing to prevent the killing of a large number of Palestinian and other civilians in what became known as the Sabra and Shatila massacre.

在后来的多年中,他是利库德集团(Likud Party)的高级成员,担任过诸多内阁职位。1982年以色列入侵黎巴嫩期间,沙龙任国防部长,这一时期的经历导致他受到一个政府委员会的指责,认为他未能阻止大批巴勒斯坦人和其他平民被杀,造成了著名的萨布拉-夏蒂拉大屠杀。

In 2001, Mr. Sharon staged a political comeback when he became prime minister at a time of escalating terrorist violence. As prime minister, he initiated construction of a controversial barrier along the West Bank to protect Israel from incursions.


Then, in 2004, the longtime hawk rocked Israeli politics when he changed course to favor unilateral withdrawal from the Gaza Strip. In 2005, the Knesset approved his disengagement plan to withdraw troops and citizens from the Gaza Strip and four West Bank settlements.


The uproar within Likud following the withdrawal led Mr. Sharon to resign and form a new party, Kadima, that dominated the Knesset for most of the rest of the decade.


Only months after the historic Gaza pullback was completed and amid a 2006 election, Mr. Sharon suffered a stroke that left him in a permanent coma, ending his career and stoking renewed political turmoil.


Ariel Sharon was born at Kfar Malal, a cooperative Jewish farming settlement in the British Mandate of Palestine, outside Tel Aviv. His parents, originally named Scheinerman, were Zionists who emigrated from Russia at the end of World War I.

沙龙出生于特拉维夫附近英属巴勒斯坦托管地(British Mandate of Palestine)的犹太合作农业定居点卡法马拉(Kfar Malal)。他的父母原来姓施恩内曼(Scheinerman),是一战结束时从苏俄移民来的犹太复国主义者。

Arik, as he was known, learned to fight as a child, helping defend his family's farm from Bedouins and other neighboring Arabs. Because it was illegal for settlers to own firearms, he had the job of hiding the family rifle when British troops patrolled the neighborhood.


He joined the Haganah, the underground military movement, in high school, then enrolled in officer training school. Mr. Sharon was 20 when he commanded an infantry company during the Arab-Israeli War in 1948. During the Battle of Latrun, a strategic hilltop between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, his unit was pinned down under hostile fire from Jordanian forces and sustained heavy losses. Mr. Sharon was seriously wounded.

他中学时加入了地下军事运动哈加纳(Haganah),之后就读军官训练学校。1948年,沙龙在阿以战争期间指挥一个步兵连,当时他只有20岁。在拉特伦战役(Battle of Latrun)中,他的部队遭遇约旦部队的猛烈炮火,损失惨重。沙龙受重伤。拉特伦是特拉维夫和耶路撒冷之间的一个具有战略意义的山顶。

Mr. Sharon had a reputation as a swashbuckler, sometimes leading men into battle in an armored car stocked with gourmet cheese and sausages. On several occasions, he was accused of exceeding orders and of atrocities, but he was regularly promoted.


After the 1948 war, he battled cross-border raiders in the early 1950s. He led the capture of the strategic Mitla Pass in the 1956 Sinai war with Egypt.

1948年的战争结束后,上世纪50年代初,他曾与跨境突袭者作战。在1956年与埃及争夺西奈半岛的战争中,他指挥了夺取战略要地米特拉山口(Mitla Pass)的战斗。

In 1967, months before that year's Arab-Israeli war, he was elevated to the rank of major general, and subsequently won a victory over Egyptian troops in the Battle of Abu-Ageila, helping seal Israel's capture of the Sinai Peninsula.

1967年,在那一年的埃以战争爆发前几个月,他被晋升为少将军衔,随后在阿布阿格拉战役(Battle of Abu-Ageila)中打败埃及部队,帮助确保了以色列夺取西奈半岛。

When Egypt and Syria launched a surprise attack on Israel in 1973, Mr. Sharon had already left the military, but he returned to the front line as a reserve general and led his troops across the Suez Canal, turning the tide against Egyptian forces and cementing his reputation for military prowess.


Mr. Sharon retired after a cease-fire was negotiated, and turned to politics, winning a seat in the Knesset in 1977. He served as agriculture minister and helped draft plans for scaled-up settlements on the West Bank.


In 1982, after the massacres in Lebanon, Mr. Sharon was forced to resign as defense minister when the Kahan Commission found that Israel's army, stationed around two Palestinian refugee camps, knew Christian militants were slaughtering residents of the refugee camps but did nothing to stop it.

1982年,在黎巴嫩大屠杀后,沙龙被迫辞去国防部长职务,因为以色列成立的大屠杀调查委员会Kahan Commission发现,以色列部队当时驻扎在两个巴勒斯坦难民营附近,知道基督教武装分子正在残杀难民营的居民,但没有采取任何措施加以阻止。

After Israel's government stopped establishing new settlements in the 1990s, he encouraged Jewish settlers to set up improvised hilltop settlement outposts, whose watchtowers and crude lodgings gave them the appearance of military bases.


Mr. Sharon's visit in 2000 to the Temple Mount, accompanied by a contingent of armed police, marked the start of a period of swirling Palestinian violence known as the second Intifada. Mr. Sharon was elected prime minister in 2001, defeating incumbent Ehud Barak by a landslide amid disillusionment with Mr. Barak's handling of failed peace talks with Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.

2000年,沙龙在一个武装警察小分队的陪同下到访圣殿山,标志着被称为“第二次起义”的巴勒斯坦地区血腥暴力冲突期的开始。2001年,在以色列时任总理巴拉克(Ehud Barak)与巴勒斯坦领导人阿拉法特(Yasser Arafat)和谈失败、人们感到失望之际,沙龙以压倒性优势击败巴拉克当选总理。

A year after his election, as suicide bombings on buses and at restaurants escalated, Mr. Sharon ordered the army into Palestinian cities in the West Bank. He directed plans for a permanent barrier in the West Bank; that wall is credited by some with helping stop the wave of suicide bombings by Palestinians in Israeli cities. Mr. Arafat was besieged in his compound in Ramallah, in the West Bank, where he remained isolated until illness overtook him, and he died in 2004.

当选一年之后,因为在公交车上和餐馆发生的自杀式炸弹袭击事件升级,沙龙命令军队进入约旦河西岸的巴勒斯坦城市。在他的指导下出台了在西岸兴建永久性壁垒──隔离墙的方案。一些人认为,隔离 帮助阻止了巴勒斯坦人在以色列城市发起的自杀式炸弹袭击浪潮。阿拉法特被困在他在西岸城市拉姆安拉(Ramallah)的大院里,直到2004年因病去世都一直被隔绝在那里。

While battling militants, Mr. Sharon also decided it would be necessary for Israel to uproot settlements and pull back from Gaza and the West Bank to make way for a Palestinian state and avoid creating a binational state.


'He began seeing things in a less dogmatic way'' as prime minister, said David Landau, whose biography, 'Arik: The Life of Ariel Sharon,' will be published this month.This article was originally reported and written in Chinese and is only available in Chinese. Please refer to the Chinese article for more details.

兰多(David Landau)说,作为总理,沙龙开始用不那么教条的方式看问题。兰多写作的沙龙传记《阿里克:阿里埃勒・沙龙的一生》(Arik: The Life of Ariel Sharon)将于本月出版。

Mr. Sharon faced a police investigation during his premiership into allegations he was involved in influence peddling. However, Israel's attorney general decided to close the case without an indictment. Mr. Sharon's son, Omri, was convicted and sent to jail in a corruption scandal.


Mr. Sharon left behind a reconfigured Israeli politics when he exited the stage after suffering a stroke. Mr. Sharon's deputy, Ehud Olmert, ended up becoming Kadima's first prime minister.

在一次中风发作之后,沙龙退出了以色列政坛,他身后的以色列政局已经与过去不同。沙龙的副手奥尔默特(Ehud Olmert)成为前进党的首任总理。

Mr. Sharon sometimes said his ambition was to retire and farm like his ancestors, and he liked to be photographed seated on his tractor, plowing crops of wheat and cotton, a seeming Cincinnatus.


Early in 2013, his doctors announced that tests had shown that despite remaining in a coma, Mr. Sharon showed significant brain activity. But he never regained consciousness.


U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry won't be attending the funeral, the State Department said, due to previously scheduled meetings in Paris over the situation in Syria and the Middle East peace process.

美国国务院说,国务卿克里(John Kerry)不会参加沙龙的葬礼,因为之前他已经预定要参加在巴黎召开的会议,讨论叙利亚现状和中东和平进程等问题。


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