






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-2-20 11:00| 查看数: 944| 评论数: 0|

Global stocks gained ground for the ninth session in a row as optimism over China’s growth prospects and waning emerging market tensions boosted investor risk appetite.全球股市连续第九个交易日上涨,对中国增长前景的乐观期待和新兴市场紧张局面的缓解提高了投资者的风险胃口。
Commodity prices were generally firmer as the dollar hovered near its lowest level this year against a basket of other currencies. The softer tone to the dollar helped gold rise $9 to $1,328 an ounce, its highest for more than three months.大宗商品价格总体走高,美元兑一篮子货币的汇率接近今年最低水平。美元的弱势促使金价上涨9美元,达到每盎司1328美元,是三个多月来的最高水平。
Sentiment was also supported by the S&P 500’s rally last week to within touching distance of its record high after traders welcomed confirmation that Federal Reserve policy was likely to remain ultra-accommodative for the foreseeable future.标普500指数(S&P 500)上周上扬至接近历史高点的水平也提振了投资者信心。美联储(Fed)确认有望在可预见的未来维持超宽松政策,这受到交易者欢迎。
US markets provided no lead yesterday, however, as they were closed for a national holiday.美国股市昨日因为全国节假日休市,因此没有提供任何线索。
The FTSE All-World equity index was up 0.3 per cent as European trading drew to a close. The FTSE Eurofirst 300 rose 0.4 per cent.截至欧洲股市收盘时,富时环球指数(FTSE All-World Index)上涨0.3%。富时Eurofirst 300指数(FTSE Eurofirst 300)上涨0.4%。
Since hitting a low for the year on February 4, the All-World index has risen in every session, gaining more than 5 per cent. Confidence in Asia has improved notably during that period as the turbulence among EM assets has abated.自2月4日触及年内低点以来,富时环球指数连日上涨,总涨幅逾5%。随着新兴市场资产动荡的缓解,投资者对亚洲的信心显著提高。


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