





[每日话题]五条简单的网络安全贴士 0303

发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-3-2 17:46| 查看数: 1495| 评论数: 3|

Verizon's recent data breach investigation shows 76% of hacks are caused by weak or stolen passwords. Despite cyberattacks becoming more sophisticated, the majority of the hacks can be prevented by by following simple security measures. Two security experts, Blue Coat's chief security officer, Hugh Thompson and Backblaze's CEO Gleb Budman share five tips to make ourselves less vulnerable to hackers. [td]Verizon最近发布的数据泄露调查显示,76%的黑客入侵是帐户密码太弱或被窃造成的。虽说网络攻击手法越来越高明,但只要遵循几条简单的安全原则,就可以避免大部分攻击。Blue Coat首席安全长休•汤普森(Hugh Thompson)和Backblaze首席执行长格莱布•布德曼(Gleb Budman)与我们分享了五条防黑窍门。
1. Don't use real answers to security questions. [td]1. 回答安全问题别太实在
What's your mother's maiden name, where were you born, what's your favorite color. All those things are typically easy to find out with a little bit of digging. Use something made up and that's not searchable online. [td]你母亲娘家姓什么?你在哪里出生?你最喜欢什么颜色?类似的问题黑客不用太费劲就能找到答案。所以别填真的,编造一些网上查不到的答案。
2. Rethink what you share online. [td]2. 在网上分享信息要三思
Sit in the hacker's chair for a moment and imagine the people that are looking at your social media feeds and want to cause you harm. Social media gives attackers the ability to custom craft emails and phone calls that are personailized just to you. Just give your tweet a second thought before you publish. [td]想像一下,有个黑客正在盯着你的社交媒体,意图不轨。狡猾的黑客能通过社交媒体上的资料制作出专门针对你的恶意电邮和电话,所以每次发推文之前先停下来想想。
3. Use different passwords for every site. [td]3. 每个网站都用不同的密码
One of the most common hacks is to finding the easiest place to hack into and using that to get into everything else. Often people will use the same password for a website they just are just getting something free but also use that same password on their bank account. Use a password manager like 1Password so you only have to remember one password and it will remember all the other ones for you. This allows you to create complex passwords. [td]最常见的黑客手段之一就是找到最薄弱的突破口,然而举一反三黑掉其他帐户。人们经常为了得到点免费的东西而注册某个网站,使的却是自己银行帐户的密码。推荐你使用像1Password这样的密码管理工具,你只需要记住一个密码,其余密码让工具帮你记忆,这样你就可以设置更复杂的密码了。
4. Beware of shorten phishing links. [td]4. 当心钓鱼短链接
With the advent of shorten links on Facebook and Twitter, it's hard to tell where the end destination is. The goal of phishing messages is to get the user to click on a link and often times that link can come from someone you know or trust. [td]Facebook和推特(Twitter)上的短链接越来越流行了,很难分辨这些链接最终指向哪里。钓鱼信息的目的就是让人点击某个链接,而很多时候这个链接可能来自你认识或信任的人。
5. Cover your passwords. [td]5. 保护你的密码
Hackers don't always need advanced technology to get people's passwords. At cafes, schools, and conferences people often type their password in clear view. Just be sensitive to what's happening around you. [td]黑客并不总是需要高科技来盗取密码。在咖啡馆、学校和会场上,经常有人在众目睽睽之下输入密码。要留意你周围的人。


Classmate_Wang 发表于 2014-3-15 22:43:01
i got it
不会飞的翅膀 发表于 2014-3-22 01:22:38
萌希希 发表于 2014-5-14 11:30:23
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