





四六级写作天天练: 开车?不开车?

发布者: wendy1502 | 发布时间: 2014-3-7 20:39| 查看数: 936| 评论数: 0|

四六级写作天天练 : 开车?不开车?



        Today is World Car Free Day. According to The Washington Post, the event "promotes improvement of mass transit, cycling and walking, and the development of communities where jobs are closer to home and where shopping is within walking distance".[1]

        While considerable momentum has been achieved in terms of media coverage, these events turn out to be difficult to organize to achieve real success and even a decade later there is considerable uncertainty about the usefulness of this approach.The sine qua non of success is the achievement of broad public support and commitment to change.

        [1] Alcindor, Yamiche (September 22, 2009). "A Day Without the Detriments of Driving". The Washington Post. Retrieved 2009-09-22


        - What's events in your city for the less-known Car Free Day?

        - Do you have more intriguing solution to encourage us to take public transportation?

        - Do you have twisted mind to drive car or take public transportation on a normal day (not just today)?

        - What's your opinion about the future of Car Free Day?

        - DIY topic, but stick to the theme as much as possible.


        When it comes to getting rid of unhealthy habits, two habits are good examples that you have to spend much more psychological and physical efforts to abandon it than to enjoy it comfortably: one is eating delicious snakes; the other is driving a dream car. In order to alleviate the unpromising effects caused by driving car, some cities launched “Car-Free Day” on September 22nd to encourage motorists to give up their cars for a day. However, in my city, my considerate government just allocated a fingernail area to be car-free for four hours. Is it an inspiring way to remind us to use public transportation today, if not many days? It sounds like a joke. In my view, the most constructive way to limit the car usage is to upgrade our car to be at least 200,000 RMB per car and eliminate those low-cost cars. This could effectively lower the cars on the road.


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