






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-3-21 08:00| 查看数: 828| 评论数: 0|

The hunt for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 now depends on the willingness of governments and the military across Asia to hand over potentially sensitive radar and satellite data.
对马来西亚航空公司(Malaysia Airlines)失联班机MH370的搜索行动,下一步将主要取决于亚洲各国政府和军方是否愿意交出可能较为敏感的雷达和卫星数据。
Satellite data provided by London-based company Inmarsat have been crucial, but not enough, in the task of pinpointing the plane.
The Boeing airliner’s last communication was with an Inmarsat satellite at 8.11am local time on March 8, more than seven hours after it took off from Kuala Lumpur on a flight to Beijing with 239 people on board. Without other data, investigators are unable to plot where it went next.
But with scant history of international co-operation on intelligence sharing – and in some cases outright hostility – there are reasons to doubt whether Malaysia will get the data it needs as it leads a 26-country search for the aircraft 11 days after it disappeared.
The search involves two corridors stretching from Kazakhstan and Pakistan in the north, across India and to southeast Asia and Australia in the south.
“If we are talking about a multilateral effort that relies on sharing of intelligence, I think we are in uncharted waters. Information and intelligence sharing is always a very sensitive issue,” said Ian Storey, senior fellow at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies in Singapore.
新加坡东南亚研究所(Institute of Southeast Asian Studies)高级研究员伊恩•斯托里(Ian Storey)表示:“如果我们讨论的是依赖于情报共享的多国搜索行动,那么我认为我们目前处于一片无人探查过的未知领域。信息和情报共享永远是一个非常敏感的问题。”
The search has now widened from an initial stretch of the South China Sea to a vast area of ocean measuring more than 2m sq nautical miles and land roughly equal to two-thirds of the land mass of the US.
Malaysia has asked countries for radar data, as well as satellite data and analysis.
The hope is that this, together with the Inmarsat information, will allow investigators to plot the airliner’s last trajectory – although Malaysia Airlines has confirmed it had only 30 minutes of fuel left when last in contact with the Inmarsat satellite, over the northern Strait of Malacca.
In some cases, countries will be asked if their military have radar data that could help. But with information sharing between military authorities generally taking place only bilaterally, analysts say some may hold back key data.
“Generally, military intelligence sharing among southeast Asian states has been minimal – the prevailing strategic uncertainties coupled with political distrust, resource constraints and varying technological capabilities have precluded military transparency,” said Michael Raska of the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore.
新加坡拉惹勒南国际研究院(S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies)的迈克尔•拉斯卡(Michael Raska)表示:“通常来说,东南亚国家之间的军事情报共享非常少见——除了战略上的不确定性这一主要原因以外,政治上的不信任、资源限制、以及参差不齐的技术水平也导致了军事情报的不透明。”


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