






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-3-27 08:00| 查看数: 1503| 评论数: 0|

Have airline and hotel fees gone too far? Consider:
Checking in early when your hotel room is ready can cost up to $50.
Buying a ticket on a few airlines' websites can carry an 'electronic reservation' fee of at least $10.
Putting a small pet under an airline seat can cost $250 round trip.
Checking an oversize, overweight suitcase is as much as $800 round trip.
Then, there's this: Getting reimbursed by Spirit Airlines for clothes you buy when luggage is delayed requires mailing the dirty clothes to the airline. You pay the shipping costs.
还有:在行李延误的情况下,要想得到美国精灵航空公司(Spirit Airlines)对乘客所购衣物的赔偿,你必须要将脏衣服寄还给航空公司。邮费由你来支付。
'It's nickel and diming,' said Joel Christian, an Austin, Texas, traveler who had to send in two bathing suits, one woman's beach coverup, one dress and a pair of sandals he and his wife bought after the airline left their baggage behind on a flight to the Caribbean. To get his $531.75 refund, he paid the shipping cost of about $20.
得克萨斯州奥斯汀市(Austin)的乘客乔尔・克里斯蒂安(Joel Christian)表示:“都是些小钱儿。”由于航空公司未能将他的行李随航班运往加勒比,他不得不将他和他的妻子购买的两套游泳衣、一件女士沙滩裙、一件连衣裙和一双凉鞋寄回给航空公司。为了得到531.75美元的退款,他支付了大约20美元的邮费。
'I didn't lose the luggage and yet I have to pay out of my pocket to ship the clothes to them?' Mr. Christian said.
The turn-in-the-clothes requirement, Mr. Christian believes, is simply meant to discourage customers from seeking reimbursement. Many people might simply want to keep the clothing they bought and avoid the hassle and shipping costs.
Spirit says it pays for 'interim expenses' when bags are delayed such as clothes and toiletries, but it doesn't consider shipping costs an interim expense. The airline says it makes some donations of returned clothes to local community groups in Florida, where it is based, and sells some to a company that buys in bulk. The airline declined to answer other questions about the policy and various fees.
Add-on fees mean the difference between profit and loss for many hotels and airlines. Consumers can comparison-shop world-wide with a few computer clicks, so airlines, hotels and rental-car firms try to post low prices to attract bookings and then load up on fees.
Last year hotels took in an estimated $2.1 billion in fees, according to New York University's Tisch Center for Hospitality, Tourism and Sports Management. That's up 6% over 2012, says Tisch Center head Bjorn Hanson, because of new add-ons, higher prices and slightly higher hotel occupancy.
据纽约大学(New York University)蒂斯奇中心礼仪、旅游及运动管理系(Tisch Center for Hospitality, Tourism and Sports Management)的数据,酒店行业去年的附加收费估计达21亿美元。蒂斯奇中心的院长比约恩・汉森(Bjorn Hanson)表示,这个数字较2012年增加了6%,原因包括附加收费项目增加、价格提升以及酒店入住率略有提高。
Among the latest new fees: parking charges at suburban and airport hotels with open, unattended lots.
At Las Vegas and some other resort destinations, some hotels have imposed early check-in fees for customers who arrive before the designated late-afternoon check-in time and want to use their room, assuming it's available. Caesars Palace charges $25 or more for early check-in, warning customers only when they list an expected arrival time on the hotel's website. Caesars declined to comment.
在拉斯维加斯和其他一些度假胜地,有些酒店已经开始对那些在规定的午后登记时间前抵达酒店并希望使用房间的顾客收取提前入住费,而这些顾客原以为房间是可用的。凯撒宫酒店(Caesars Palace)对提前入住收取的费用是25美元甚至更多,而酒店只在官网上介绍入住时间时就这点告知了顾客。凯撒宫酒店拒绝就此事置评。
MGM Resorts International says budget hotels like Circus Circus have early check-in fees of between $10 and $30. Fees go up based on when you arrive -- higher fees on weekends when the hotel is fuller and rates are higher. 'They are operating at a margin where they need to charge,' spokeswoman Mary Hynes said.
美高梅国际酒店集团(MGM Resorts International)表示,像马戏团娱乐场酒店(Circus Circus)这样的经济型酒店收取的提前登记入住费在10美元至30美元之间。这项费用可能会依据你抵达的时间而有所提高――由于周末酒店的入住率更高且住宿费更贵,周末的提前登记入住费也更高。该集团发言人玛丽・海因斯(Mary Hynes)表示:“马戏团娱乐场酒店的 利润率很低,因而他们会在必要时收费。”
In the last 18 months, some high-end MGM properties like Aria and Bellagio have started offering a guaranteed early check-in option to customers at $20 or $30. At Aria, another $30 fee gets you express check-in with no line waiting, and another $30 fee lets you pick three room preferences, such as high floor or low floor, near an elevator, smoking or connecting to another room.
Airlines charged $6.1 billion in baggage and reservation-change fees in the 12 months ended Sept. 30, the most recent counted by the Transportation Department. That was up 3.2% from the same period a year earlier. And it was more than the entire U.S. airline industry profits over the same period, according to the DOT's Bureau of Transportation Statistics.
根据美国运输部(Transportation Department)的最新统计数据,在截至去年9月30日的12个月中,航空公司总计收取行李托运费和机票改签费61亿美元。这个数字较此前一年同期增加了3.2%。据美国运输统计局(DOT's Bureau of Transportation Statistics)数据,这个数字高于美国全部航空公司同期的盈利。
Those may be the biggest fees for airlines, but certainly not the most creative -- or aggravating for some customers.
Travelers often have a hard time understanding why it costs $250 round-trip on American, United and Delta to carry a small dog or cat onboard. The airline provides no service -- and typically counts the pet carrier in the passenger's two-item carry-on allowance.
乘客们往往很难理解为什么让美国航空(American Airlines)、联合航空(United Airlines)和达美航空(Delta Airlines)运输一只小狗或小猫往返居然要花费250美元。航空公司没有提供任何服务,并且通常将宠物笼算作乘客两件随身行李中的一件。
Spokespeople for United and American say the $125 fee each way is a competitive market rate. Some smaller carriers such as JetBlue, Allegiant, Spirit and Virgin America charge $100 each way for carry-on pets; Southwest Airlines charges $95.
联合航空和美国航空的发言人表示,单程125美元的费用是具有市场竞争力的价格。捷蓝航空(JetBlue)、Allegiant、精灵航空和维珍美国航空(Virgin America)等一些小型航空公司运输小动物的收费为100美元;西南航空(Southwest Airlines)的收费为95美元。
Airlines say their hefty fees for hefty luggage are justified because of the manpower and equipment required for baggage service -- and because they want to discourage customers from using airlines as moving services or bringing big bags that could lead to worker injuries.
But the fees can vary broadly: American, United and Delta charge $200 each way for an oversize bag on domestic flights. At JetBlue, Allegiant, Southwest and Virgin America, the same bag charge is $75. If an oversize bag is also overweight, that carries extra fees.
Checking a third bag at American now costs $150 each way, but only $25 at Virgin America.
Spirit, which took in 40% of its revenue from non-ticket revenue last year, charges as much as $100 each way to put a bag in the overhead bin. It's cheaper if you pay for your carry-on bag in advance, and Spirit makes it cheaper to check bags than to carry them on, so that passengers get on and off planes faster without overflowing-bin delays. That has allowed Spirit to add more flights to its schedule without adding more planes -- a huge savings.
Spirit says its vast menu of fees lets customers pay for only the services they use. But forget to print a boarding pass at home, and you'll pay $10 for an agent to do it at the airport. Spirit also charges $9 to $17 to use its website. It charges a $2 fee on every trip, which it simply labels as covering 'unintended consequences' of a 2012 government regulation forcing airlines to let consumers cancel a reservation without penalty in the first 24 hours after booking.
On May 1, Allegiant will start charging $5 to print a boarding pass at the airport, and it charges a $10 electronic-reservation fee per flight segment and at least $10 for carry-on bags that go in the overhead bin.
A spokeswoman said the $5 boarding-pass fee is intended to convince customers to use more efficient check-in methods. Booking on the airline's website 'saves the customer the inconvenience of going to the airport to purchase,' she said, and overall, fees help keep fares low.
'We believe that passengers should only pay for what they need or want,' she said.


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