






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-4-1 12:00| 查看数: 653| 评论数: 0|

The only thing growing faster than the sticker price on a college education may be the debate around the value of one -- particularly if a student majors in something with no obvious pathway to a decent job.
In January, President Barack Obama inadvertently caused a bit of an uproar when he questioned the value of a degree in art history while he was talking about better aligning job-training programs with employer needs. Mr. Obama later sent a handwritten apology note to a University of Texas art historian who took offense at the remark.
一月份,巴拉克・奥巴马(Barack Obama)总统在谈论将职业培训计划更好地与雇主需求结合这一话题时,他对艺术史学位价值的质疑不经意引起了一片哗然。奥巴马后来亲笔写了一封致歉信,送交给得克萨斯大学(University of Texas)一名对其言辞表示强烈不满的艺术史学家。
Apologies aside, the question of what a student should major in and what sort of return on investment it can generate is becoming an increasingly important question, as families struggle to pay for school and graduates shoulder growing college debt. The Journal asked three experts to take part in a virtual roundtable and weigh in on the importance of selecting a major to making a living -- and having a life.
Around our virtual table is Carol Geary Schneider, president of the Association of American Colleges and Universities; Anthony Carnevale, director of the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce; and Jason Tyszko, senior director, policy, education and workforce, for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
在我们的虚拟圆桌旁就坐的是美国大专院校协会(the Association of American Colleges and Universities)的主席卡罗尔・吉尔里・施耐德(Carol Geary Schneider)、乔治敦大学(Georgetown University)教育与就业研究中心主任安东尼・卡内瓦莱(Anthony Carnevale)以及美国商会(U.S. Chamber of Commerce)负责政策、教育和就业的高级主管贾森・蒂什科(Jason Tyszko)。
Here are edited excerpts of their conversation.
WSJ: President Schneider, would you advise a college student to pick their college major based on future salary?
MS. SCHNEIDER: I would advise a college-bound student not to assume that any specific major is the key to either career or life success. It takes much more than a major to get a great education. Rather, students should look for a college or university that has organized its educational program -- curriculum and co-curriculum alike -- to help students build big-picture knowledge of the world around them; develop high-level skills they will need for careers, civil society and their own lives; acquire real-world practice and experience; and above all, to find their own sense of purpose and vocation in the largest sense of that term.
With all that said, every student also needs practical guidance in connecting their studies with career choices and in knowing the range of likely salaries for possible careers. It's not so much choosing a major, as thinking through your possible career choices and pathways. Majors themselves are a small part of the college equation!
MR. TYSZKO: Students and families in today's economy fully understand that accessing postsecondary education or training is critical to their economic future (historic levels of access attest to that), but failure to question and assess the value proposition of a college and major is no longer tenable for middle-class and low-income families. Assessing the return on investment of colleges and majors has never been more important to the growth of our economy and the economic well-being of our graduates.
MS. SCHNEIDER: I completely agree with Jason that colleges, universities and community colleges need to be far more specific with prospective and current students about how they prepare students for the job search and for career success. Where I disagree is with the notion that the major is the only piece of career preparation that matters. I've heard students say: 'If I just do well in my major, I'll be ready for my career.' We need to help them see that it takes more than a major to prepare even for careers, much less for the whole of one's life.
MR. CARNEVALE: As the economic value of education increases, we will need to remember that education, especially higher education, is about more than dollars and cents. It should do more than provide foot soldiers for the American economy. Educators in both secondary and postsecondary institutions have cultural and political missions to ensure that there is an educated citizenry that can continue to defend and promote our democratic ideals. Moreover, educational institutions need to be preserved as safe havens free from both political and economic power.
If commodification means investing in narrow job training, it's just bad economics. General occupational competencies like problem solving and critical thinking are the patient capital in most occupations nowadays. They enable and leaven further learning in applied contexts.
But, if secondary and postsecondary educators cannot fulfill their economic mission to help youths and adults become successful workers, they also will fail in their cultural and political missions to create good neighbors and good citizens. And increasing the economic relevance of education should, if done properly, extend the educators ability to empower Americans to do work on the world, rather than retreat from it.
WSJ: Governors around the country are discussing incentives for courses of study. Is that wise or is this tantamount to the commodification of the academy?
MS. SCHNEIDER: Incentivizing routes to specific fields is very challenging indeed -- especially given the volatility in the economy. Hot fields come and go, but careers are life choices, not stock picks. We certainly need more scientists and engineers, but we also need college graduates who are willing to work in important fields (like education or social work) that don't pay as well, but also may be highly rewarding.
MR. TYSZKO: Nobody denies that the diversity of colleges and majors benefits individuals and society in many ways; however, students and families are taking on significant debt in order to get the skills needed to access a career in a struggling economy.
Whether from the perspective of a student as a customer, the federal government as a lender or state government and taxpayers as investors, higher education must be more transparent in its value proposition to both the communities it serves and to the broader economy. Students need to be able to assess if their intended college and/or major will achieve the kind of access and results in the marketplace that it claims.
WSJ: So, if you were a guidance counselor advising students, how would you help them weigh the relative importance of an economic payoff or self-enrichment when choosing a major? And would you advise students take advantage of some of the inexpensive and disruptive technologies entering the marketplace like Massive Open Online Courses that can save them money on the way to a degree?
《华尔街日报》:那么,假如你是一名给学生提供咨询的指导顾问,你会如何帮助他们在选择专业的时候权衡经济回报或自我修养的相对重要性?你是否会建议学生利用诸如大型开放式网络课程(Massive Open Online Courses)这样一些已进入市场的低成本颠覆性技术,这样他们在攻读学位的过程中可以省钱?
MR. TYSZKO: As a guidance counselor, I would begin by understanding the student's long-term goals. From there, I would work with them to lay out a personalized academic and career plan to make their goals a reality.
This plan, however, needs to be grounded in reality. For example, will your major and career choice allow you to meet your family obligations? Will the ratio of your earnings to debt be something you can manage? Will your major selection make you competitive in your career search? Unfortunately, without greater data transparency, these conversations are unlikely to happen. Students today need to be savvy consumers and should be looking for the cheapest, fastest, high-quality programs that demonstrate the best performance. This can involve a combination of traditional higher education courses with innovations like MOOCs which can achieve the same or better quality at a fraction of the price and with greater flexibility.
MS. SCHNEIDER: Jason is exactly right that any useful college advice to students has to start with their own interests, inclinations and sense of possible career paths. But the reality is that, at too many postsecondary institutions, students are allowed to leave all planning for the future until they get around to it on their own -- which is usually much too late.
Your other question asks whether students might finish college more affordably if they took advantage of 'disruptive' alternatives -- the course in a box, so to speak -- which ask students to do little more than read and discern the correct answers on bubble tests. I can't say this too emphatically. Learning to find the right answer on a standardized test is bad preparation for jobs in which you have to solve problems that don't yet have known answers.
It may cost you more to follow a path where faculty will work with you to help you hone high-level skills. But jobs that demand those high-level skills also are usually the ones that pay the most. The initial investment in a high-quality education does, for most graduates, pay off over time.


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