






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-4-14 08:00| 查看数: 753| 评论数: 0|

For years, pregnant moms have pumped music into the womb with headphones. Now parents are piping sounds from the inside out.
A new gadget aims to ease the worries of budding parenthood with digital audio and social-networking technology. The Bellabeat Connected System gives expectant parents a sneak preview of a baby's heartbeat in utero. It also creates a sound file on parents' smartphones that can be uploaded to Facebook or email, and hosts an online community of other users.
一款新型设备旨在用数字音频和社交网络技术减轻准爸妈们的担忧。这款名为Bellabeat Connected System的设备能让准爸妈偷偷预览胎儿在子宫内的心跳。它还能在父母的智能手机上创建一个可上传至Facebook或电子邮件的音频文件,并提供一个包括其他用户的网上社区。
Bellabeat, developed in Croatia, is just the latest offering in an expanding corner of the self-tracking industry. The Owlet Baby Monitor checks oxygen levels. Huggies TweetPee does just what it says--it sends a tweet when a baby has peed. The Mimo Smart Baby Monitor can beam a baby's health stats from a gadget attached to its pajamas to the outside of a parent's smart coffee cup.
智能母婴监测设备是自我监测行业里一个正在蓬勃兴起的分支, 在克罗地亚开发的Bellabeat只是这个分支中的一款最新产品。Owlet 婴儿监视器(Owlet Babay Monitor)可检测宝宝的血氧水平。Huggies TweetPee的功能恰如其名,会在婴儿撒尿时发送推特信息。而Mimo婴儿智能监视器(Mimo Smart Baby Monitor)可将婴儿的健康数据从与宝宝睡衣相连的设备发送到父母的智能咖啡杯外侧。
Pair all that with adult-focused technologies--like mood-tracking apps, wireless sleep coaches, and devices logging every breath and bite over a day--and the possibilities for monitoring minutiae seem endless. Juniper Research predicts the market for smart wearable devices will reach $1.5 billion this year and $19 billion by 2018.
如果把这些设备和面向成年人的科技产品(比如情绪追踪应用、无线睡眠教练机,还有记录一天之中每一次呼吸和咬下每一口食物的设备)加在一起,监测生活中琐碎细节的可能性似乎是无穷无尽的。市场研究机构Juniper Research预计,智能可穿戴设备市场的规模今年将达到15亿美元,到2018年将达到190亿美元。
Expectant parents, with their nine months of worry, are a particularly fertile market for self-trackers. Judith Warner, an author on parenting, says many women strive for 'a sense of control' during pregnancy.
准爸妈们在九个月的孕期里担惊受怕,他们为自我追踪设备提供了尤为广阔的市场。育儿书作者朱迪丝・沃纳(Judith Warner)说,许多女性在孕期奋力寻求一种“可控感”。
The $129 Bellabeat software-hardware combo includes a hand-held device that uses sound waves to detect a baby's heartbeat. The device connects to a smartphone with an audio cable, and the phone's app creates an image of the baby's heartbeat and records beats per minute. The sound file can be uploaded to email or Facebook. Mothers can also record their own health stats, like weight and exercise, and track them against those of other Bellabeat users.
Ena Lukic, a Bellabeat beta tester in Croatia, says when she played the heartbeat for her partner, 'it was very emotional.'
克罗地亚一位试用过Bellabeat测试版的用户埃娜・卢基奇(Ena Lukic)说,当她把胎儿心跳放给自己的伴侣听时,“我们心情非常激动”。
But while combining hard data with the mystery of pregnancy seems like a no-brainer, Bellabeat still faces growing pains, experts say. This newest addition to the maternity market will have to shout to be heard above the din of other pregnancy gadgets and apps already competing for parents' scattered attention.
One fetal monitor even sports a similar name: BellyBeats. Product-naming consultant Steve Manning thinks the names are too similar. 'Consumer confusion with BellyBeats is inevitable,' he says, and will likely mean a lot of extra time and money spent on trying to create a separation.
有一款胎儿监测设备甚至连名称都差不多,叫BellyBeats。产品命名顾问史蒂夫・曼宁(Steve Manning)认为这两个名称过于相似。他说:“消费者难免会将Bellabeat与BellyBeats混同起来。”这有可能意味着,要额外花费许多时间和金钱才能将这两个品牌区分开来。
Officials from BellyBeats didn't respond to a request for comment.
Some health professionals worry a device like this would only hasten the pulse of nervous parents, not calm them. Bellabeat 'sounds like a little bit of hell for any mildly anxious mother,' said Katharine Harkins, a midwife and mother of two in Seattle. 'There's enough wigging-out over the fetal heartbeat in labor, I can't imagine exposing anyone to this throughout an entire pregnancy.'
一些医疗行业的专业人士担心,这类设备只会让焦虑的准父母们心跳更快,而不是让他们的情绪平复下来。西雅图的助产士、两个孩子的母亲凯瑟琳・哈金斯(Katharine Harkins)说, Bellabeat“会让每一位有些许焦虑的妈妈感到恐怖”。她说:“在分娩过程中,胎儿心跳已经够让人抓狂了,我无法想象在整个孕期都要为此担心。”
Such reactions don't faze Bellabeat's Croatian and Slovak founders, a pair of entrepreneurs who have been supported by tech gurus in Berlin and Silicon Valley.
这类反应并没有吓倒Bellabeat的克罗地亚和斯洛伐克创始人。这两位创业者获得了柏林和硅谷(Silicon Valley)的科技巨头的支持。
'There is no such thing as too much information when it comes to the health of yourself and your child,' says co-founder Urška Sršen.
联合创始人乌尔什卡・斯尔申(Urška Sršen)表示:“与你自己和孩子健康相关的信息永远也不嫌多。”
Now that the product has been born, Ms. Sršen and her partner Sandro Mur are about to learn if that's true.
现在既然产品已经面市,斯尔申和她的合作伙伴桑德罗・穆尔(Sandro Mur)很快就能知道这种看法是否正确了。


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