






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-4-28 15:06| 查看数: 1576| 评论数: 0|

Over the past few decades, the practice of buying and smoking cigarettes has been increasingly regulated across the western world. The value of such regulation is today beyond any doubt.
Smoking kills 100,000 people a year in Britain – and five million worldwide. Tobacco smoke contains 70 carcinogens that cause 90 per cent of lung cancer deaths and a third of other cancers. It induces heart disease, strokes, premature births, cataracts and a host of other avoidable complications. Exhaling affects non-smokers, especially children, who often cannot escape their parents’ habit.
However, the debate on cigarette regulation is now moving into a new arena, focused on so-called “e-cigarettes”. Advances in technology have made it possible to produce cheaply a battery-powered device that heats a liquid containing nicotine into a vapour that can then be smoked, or “vaped” much like a cigarette. E-cigarettes contain none of the carcinogens, such as tar and arsenic, involved in ordinary cigarettes.
Given the potential of e-cigarettes to reduce harm to committed smokers, it is reasonable to assume that their rapid uptake would be welcomed by health regulators. Regrettably, the opposite is happening.
Both the World Health Organization and the US Federal Drug Administration are likely to classify e-cigarettes as a “tobacco product”. This is troubling. The WHO wants to reduce tobacco use by 30 per cent by 2025. Given that target, its determination to restrict e-cigarettes is inexplicable.
The WHO is guardian of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, which sets the global regulatory standard. A decision by the WHO to treat e-cigarettes no differently from their more harmful rivals will therefore have wide implications. The 168 signatory states, including the UK, would be obliged to reduce e-cigarettes use. It would also make e-cigarettes more expensive to buy and harder to advertise.
WHO是《烟草控制框架公约》(Framework Convention on Tobacco Control,简称FCTC)的守护者,该公约确定了全球烟草监管标准。因此,WHO将电子烟视同对健康危害更大的普通香烟的决定,将产生广泛影响。包括英国在内的168个缔约国将被迫减少电子烟使用,消费者购买电子烟时将支付更高费用,生产商为电子烟做广告时也将面临更多障碍。
The critical flaw in the position taken by the WHO and FDA is that science has not informed their thinking. Evidence of nicotine’s harm to humans is minimal. True, more research is needed, but so far no reputable scientist has concluded e-cigarettes cause cancer. This leaves only two reasons why regulators would consider classifying them as tobacco products.
The first argument is that smoking e-cigarettes is a first step on the slippery slope to using conventional cigarettes. No credible surveys have shown this to be the case. Indeed, the reverse is more likely: e-cigarettes now outsell nicotine patches. Given nicotine is the stimulant so craved by smokers, it is not clear why they would move on to more expensive and more socially unacceptable alternatives.
A second argument is that the regulators object in principle to consumers taking addictive stimulants. But governments cannot regulate every addictive substance. For example, coffee and sugar are harmful taken in large quantities over time. The question of how they are consumed is best left to individuals.
Governments have other options if they feel that e-cigarettes require regulation. One avenue – favoured by the UK – is to classify e-cigarettes as medicines. But this too has risks. Medicinal classification brings exacting production and quality standards that many small firms are unlikely to meet. This might stymie a nascent industry that is innovating rapidly.
The aim of health regulation must always be to reduce harm. E-cigarettes should therefore be embraced as part of the solution to the growth of cancer worldwide. Regulators should not take narrow-minded decisions to occupy an invented moral high ground. Instead, they should follow the science. This provides overwhelming evidence that electronic cigarettes are a benefit.


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