






发布者: 海伦 | 发布时间: 2006-4-4 08:42| 查看数: 6908| 评论数: 0|

<a href="http://edu.qq.com/" target="_blank" >http://edu.QQ.com</A>   2005年 10月 31日 10:00   来源:<a href="http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/" target="_blank" >中国日报网站</A>
< >日前,有来自四大洲的58个国家和地区将要角逐明年奥斯卡最佳<a href="http://edu.qq.com/kszx/en.shtml" target="_blank" >外语</A>片奖提名,创下有史以来的最高记录,其中包括第一次参加该项角逐的伊拉克和斐济。
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< >这项国际电影界最高奖项的组织者们公布了参加最佳外语片奖角逐的影片名单,现在离正式宣布第78届奥斯卡金项奖入围影片还有约3个月时间。
<P >
<P >此前,美国电影艺术与科学学院邀请了全世界91个国家和地区各选送一部影片参加2006年奥斯卡最佳外语片奖竞赛单元的角逐。明年3月15日,全世界的电影明星都将聚集在好莱坞,见证该奖项最终的归属。
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<P >伊拉克选送了一部由贾米勒·罗斯塔米执导的库尔德语影片《雪的挽歌》,该片讲述了伊拉克库尔德人在干燥炎热的地区祈求上天降雨的故事。
<P >
<P >按规定,每个国家现只能选送一部影片参加最佳外语片单元的竞争,而且选送的影片必须是以本国语言为主拍摄的。这项规定引起了激烈的争议。
<P >
<P >这一规定将意大利最初选送的萨维里奥·康斯坦佐执导的《私人地区》拒之门外。这部讲述巴勒斯坦的影片之所以遭到拒绝是因为片中对白使用了阿拉伯语、希伯莱语和<a href="http://edu.qq.com/en/" target="_blank" >英语</A>三种语言。
<P >
<P >取而代之的是克里斯蒂娜·戈曼尼奇导演的影片《心中的野兽》,该片关注的是儿童期乱伦和女同性恋问题。
<P >
<P >香港导演陈可辛拍摄的影片《如果爱》也被选送参加最佳外语片奖的角逐。中国大陆选送的影片是陈凯歌导演的《无极》。
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<P >(中国日报网站薛晓文编译)
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<P >A record 58 countries from four continents are vying for nominations in next year's best foreign-language film Oscar category, including first time entrants Iraq and Fiji.
<P >
<P >Organizers of cinema's top awards unveiled the entrants for the 2006 Academy Awards' foreign movie section some three months ahead of the announcement of the nominations for the 78th annual Oscars.
<P >
<P >The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences had invited 91 countries to present a film for consideration for the 2006 Oscar for best foreign film and the winner will be unveiled at a star-studded show in Hollywood on March 5.
<P >
<P >Iraq entered "Requiem of Snow," a Kurdish language film from director Jamil Rostami about Kurds praying for rain in a drought-parched area of the country.
<P >
<P >The tiny Pacific island of Fiji submitted "The Land Has Eyes," its first indigenous movie about indigenous Fijians from director Vilsoni Hereniko, according to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.
<P >
<P >Under now hotly-disputed rules, each country can now only submit one film for the best foreign-language Oscar category and that submission must be predominantly in the language of the entering country.
<P >
<P >The rule brought woes to Italy's initial choice for its entrant in the best foreign-language film Oscar race, Saverio Costanzo's "Private", a Palestinian drama that was rejected because the dialogue is in Arabic, Hebrew and English.
<P >
<P >Instead, Italy submitted Cristina Comencini's film "La bestia nel cuore" (The Beast in the Heart), which deals with the issues of childhood incest and lesbianism.
<P >
<P >China's Hong Kong submitted "Perhaps Love," by director Peter Chan Ho-Sun, while its mainland's entry is "The Promise," by Chen Kaige.
<P >
<P ><STRONG>Vocabulary:</STRONG>
<P >
<P >
<P >entrant: one that enters, especially one that enters a competition(进入者,尤指参加一项竞赛的人)
<P >
<P >indigenous: originating and growing or living in an area or environment(当地的,本土的)


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