






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-5-13 12:00| 查看数: 644| 评论数: 0|

Chinese tourists cross the world to seek out brands with a bit of historical pedigree, from Harrods to House of Fraser, the Scottish department store chain recently bought by a Chinese millionaire.
中国游客经常走出国门寻找带有一点历史底蕴的品牌,从哈罗兹(Harrods)到福莱莎百货(House of Fraser),都能看到他们的身影。后者是苏格兰一家百货连锁公司,最近刚被中国的一位富翁所收购。
But the country also has a few long-standing brands of its own. Perhaps not surprisingly-it's rarely able to resist the urge to catalog things and stamp them with rubber stamps-China's government keeps them on a careful list, even sending inspection teams from the Ministry of Commerce to check out potential future candidates.
According to the ministry's rules (in Chinese) contenders must have a pedigree that dates back to at least 1956, historical and cultural value, a good reputation and, of course, Chinese characteristics.
Those that make the grade are granted an official seal of approval on their status as Lao Zihao, or 'time-honored brands.' (Lao means old.) Local governments have their own parallel certification schemes.
There are upwards of 10,000 Lao Zihao nationally, with 700 recognized by the central government, said Zhou Huaishan, CEO of the China Time-Honored Brands Network, a website that attempts to track all such brands. It is hard to be certain which is the lao-est, but Mr. Zhou thinks Dongyangjiang Wine, a liquor company from Zhejiang province, could be a strong contender. The company has been manning the stills since the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279).
中华老字号网(China Time-Honored Brands Network)首席执行长周淮山称,中国全国共有超过10,000个老字号,其中700个老字号获得中央认证。中华老字号网试图收录所有老字号品牌。很难确定哪一个品牌最古老,但周淮山认为,来自浙江省的东阳江黄酒算是个强有力的竞争者。这种蒸馏酒的历史可以追溯到南宋时期(1127-1279年)。
After China's long civil war ended with a Communist victory in 1949, the state moved in to 'protect' (i.e. nationalize) these venerable brands, said Mr. Zhou, and most of them remain state-owned. There is no reason why they have to be, though.
Even Chinese E-Commerce giant Alibaba Group Holding Ltd., now gearing up for a stock exchange listing in the U.S., could become a Lao Zihao one day, Mr. Zhou said - though it would presumably need an exemption from the rule that requires a pre-1956 pedigree.
周淮山说,甚至中国电商巨头阿里巴巴集团(Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.)有一天也可能会成为一个老字号,不过可以追溯到1956年以前这一条规定需要破个例。阿里巴巴目前正准备到美国上市。
'You can really look at the Lao Zihao as a symbol of China,' said Mr. Zhou. When high-ranking officials entertain foreign guests, they often choose Lao Zihao products as gifts, he said. That may explain why President Xi Jinping picked the otherwise undistinguished Qing-Feng Dumplings for a rare public appearance at the end of last year.
But if you're just dipping your toes into the world of Lao Zihao first the time, where should you start? CRT takes readers on a tour of some Beijing favorites:
CRT began its tour with dinner at this Peking duck restaurant, which opened its doors in 1416, when the Forbidden City was still under construction. Apart from such storied history, Bianyifang's selling point is that its duck is cooked in a closed oven and-unlike ordinary roast ducks-never touches a naked flame. This is supposedly cleaner, but it's a shame to miss out on that char-grilled edge that can make Peking duck such a treat.
On the positive side, diners at Bianyifang enjoy an exceptionally high pancake-to-duck ratio, so you'll never reach that maddening moment when you run out of wrapping. And the 198 yuan ($32) standard package, about right for two people, is a good deal compared with some of the other duck restaurants fleecing tourists in Beijing.
Huguosi Snacks
For dessert, we checked into Huguosi, a bare-bones bakery and café that has branches throughout Beijing and is a favorite with the city's working masses. Lao Zihao run the gamut from some of Beijing's fanciest eateries to some of its most basic, and Huguosi is definitely at the latter end of the scale.
At 3 yuan with free refills of sugar, Huguosi's babao zhou (sweet porridge with rice and beans) may provide more calories per yuan than any other dish on sale in the capital. For bigger spenders, there are, of course, other options on the menu, including noodles, dumplings and a selection of pastries.
It's hard to quibble with a place like this. Simple, authentic and very, very cheap, what you see at Huguosi is exactly what you're going to get.
Beijing Hotel
Having skimped on dessert, you can count up the change in your pocket and head out for some drinks.
But if you pick the Beijing Hotel, a century-old complex a stone's throw from Tiananmen Square, it might be best to stick to neat spirits. Sadly, you won't get far on the hotel's flat, watery cocktails.
Seventy-five yuan seems a little steep for a Tom Collins that is really just a gin and water. A 15% service charge compounds the insult. The verdict: even Lao Zihao can be lousy sometimes.
For more on Lao Zihao, check out CRT's earlier, unforgettable experience at Beijing's Qing-Feng Dumplings.


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