






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-5-15 12:00| 查看数: 696| 评论数: 0|

An explosion and fire in a coal mine in western Turkey claimed the lives of at least 201 miners, injured a further 80 and trapped more than 200 below ground, according to officials.
Turkey’s energy minister Taner Yildiz said at least 201 miners had died in the accident, with the main cause of death being carbon monoxide and dioxide poisoning. He said 400 people were involved in the rescue effort. “Time is not working in our favour,” he added.
土耳其能源部长塔内尔•耶尔德兹(Taner Yildiz)表示,事故中至少有201名矿工丧生,这些人丧生的主要原因是一氧化碳和二氧化碳中毒,目前有400人参与了救援行动。他补充道:“时间不在我们这一边。”
Cengiz Ergun, mayor of the Manisa province encompassing the town of Soma where the accident happened, said nearly 600 workers had been underground at the time of the explosion.
这次事故发生在马尼萨省的索玛镇。该省首府马尼萨市市长坚吉兹•埃尔贡(Cengiz Ergun)表示,爆炸发生时有近600名工人正在地下作业。
The blast in the power unit of the mine in Soma, about 120km northeast of the Aegean coastal city of Izmir, triggered a power cut, making the elevators unusable and leaving hundreds of workers stranded underground.
Television footage showed thousands of fellow workers and relatives gathering outside the local hospital in the coal mining community.
Turkey’s official disaster and emergency response unit, Afad, had put the death toll at the mine near the town of Soma at 70 as of midnight local time.
“Unfortunately, we could see a grimmer picture. Looks like it will be a very tough night. The death toll may rise but the rescue teams are working hard,” one government official said.
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan cancelled a trip to Albania scheduled for Wednesday in order to go to the disaster site, sources in his office said.
土耳其总理办公室的人员表示,土耳其总理雷杰普•塔伊普•埃尔多安(Recep Tayyip Erdogan)取消了原定于周三对阿尔巴尼亚的访问,以赶赴救灾现场。
The disaster looked set to fuel a political row as just two weeks ago, Turkey’s main opposition party had filed a parliamentary motion to investigate work-related accidents at the Soma mine. The proposal was rejected.
In a statement, the Soma Coal Mining Company said that an inspection carried out at the mine in March had revealed no safety risks.
索玛煤矿公司(Soma Coal Mining Company)在一份声明中表示,3月份对该煤矿开展的一次检查并未发现任何安全隐患。
More than 3000 workers have died in Turkish mines since 1941. The country’s deadliest coal mine disaster took place in 1992, when an explosion killed 263 workers in the Black Sea province of Zonguldak.


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