






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-5-22 14:19| 查看数: 613| 评论数: 0|

The number of companies reporting concerns about cyber security to US regulators has more than doubled in the past two years, analysis of official filings shows.
While Washington is bracing for possible Chinese retaliation after it indicted five Chinese military officers for commercial cyber espionage yesterday, the figures indicate the mounting anxiety in US boardrooms about cybersecurity.
The number of annual 10-K reports filed to the US Securities and Exchange Commission that mention cyber security rose from 519 in the 12 months to May 2012 to 1,174 in the past twelve months.
The increase follows pressure from the SEC since 2011 for companies to be more open in reporting cyber attacks. Companies have also reported an increasing complexity and volume of attacks.
Chrysler, the US arm of Fiat Chrysler, reported in March that it was threatened by cyber attacks of “increasing . . . sophistication and frequency.” Among the industries to show sharp increases in concern are commercial banking, where the number of reports citing cyber as a threat rose from 36 to 81 over the two years, according to the SEC database, and oil and gas production, where it showed a similar increase from 28 to 62.
菲亚特克莱斯勒(Fiat Chrysler)的美国分支克莱斯勒(Chrysler)在3月报告,其受到“复杂性和频度……不断提高”的网络攻击的威胁。根据证交会的数据库,对网络攻击的担忧大幅上升的行业包括商业银行(提到网络威胁的报告在过去两年从36份增加到81份),以及石油和天然气产业(从28份增加到62份)。
The figures suggest why the Obama administration hit back over alleged Chinese cyber-espionage on Monday, when it charged five officers from Unit 61398, a Shanghai-based arm of the People’s Liberation Army, with hacking into computers at Alcoa, Allegheny Technologies, US Steel, Westinghouse Electric, SolarWorld, and the United Steelworkers Union.
这些数据似乎表明奥巴马政府为什么要对据称的中国网络间谍作出反击。周一,奥巴马政府起诉驻上海的解放军61398部队的5名军官,指控其侵入美国铝业(Alcoa)、阿勒格尼技术(Allegheny Technologies)、美国钢铁公司(US Steel)、西屋电气(Westinghouse Electric)、太阳能世界(SolarWorld)以及美国钢铁工人联合会(United Steelworkers Union)的电脑。
China accused the US of “double standards” yesterday, warning it would take retaliatory action. The angry reaction underlines the potential risks US businesses could face in China. Citing information from China’s State Internet Information Office, Xinhua said attacks that emanated from the US had “directly controlled” 1.18m computers in China over the past two months.
中国昨日指责美国采用“双重标准”,并警告中国将采取报复行动。中国的愤怒反应突显美国企业在中国面临的潜在风险。新华社(Xinhua)援引中国国家互联网信息办公室(State Internet Information Office)的信息称,过去两个月,源自美国的网络攻击“直接控制”了中国境内的118万台电脑。
Beijing has banned central government departments from installing Windows 8, the latest Microsoft operating system, according to a May 16 notice. China has been trying to reduce software security risks since April when Microsoft stopped supporting XP.
根据中国中央国家机关政府采购中心5月16号的一条通知,中国政府已下令禁止中央政府部门安装微软(Microsoft)最新的操作系统Windows 8。自微软在4月停止维护Windows XP后,中国一直在努力降低软件安全风险。


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