






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-5-26 10:00| 查看数: 780| 评论数: 0|

In an age of the $25,000 kids’ size Ferrari and £1,440 boy’s Gucci leather jacket, it is perhaps no surprise that furniture companies are reappropriating some of their classic designs for children.
US design company Knoll has experimented with children’s versions of classic designs since 2004, producing miniature versions of a number of its well-known furniture pieces such as the Jens Risom side chair.
自2004年以来,美国设计公司诺尔(Knoll)就开始试验制造经典家具儿童版,制出了许多缩小版的知名家具,如延斯•里索姆(Jens Risom)单椅。
Knoll’s sales copy for this design classic underlines the niche market it is targeting: “Brightly coloured webbing and simple design make these scaled-down versions ideal for a kids’ craft station or mini-modernist tea party.”
“It’s a high-end market,” says Liz Needle of KnollStudio in Philadelphia. “When you look around at kids’ furniture, it’s awful. You can have a clean modern aesthetic in your home but you don’t want ugly kids’ furniture. Parents want to continue the style in the rest of the home.”
“这是个高端市场,”诺尔工作室(KnollStudio)驻费城(Philadelphia)的莉兹•尼德尔(Liz Needle)说,“你去看看给孩子用的家具,它们很糟糕。你可以给你的家营造一种整洁现代的美感,你不想要难看的儿童家具。父母希望在家里的其他空间也能延续这种美感。”
Although the reproduction of the iconic Mies van der Rohe Barcelona chair (priced $4,474) has seen modest sales, says Needle, the Jens Risom web chair and table have done better. “We took the table design and made it the right length, then put wood laminate on the top so it was more durable. It’s not just for residential, people also use it for children’s wings of hospitals or for classrooms.”
莉兹说,尽管密斯凡德罗(Mies van der Rohe)的经典巴塞罗那椅(Barcelona chair)的缩小版(售价4474美元)销售业绩平平,但延斯•里索姆的织布椅和织布桌的销售情况还不错。“我们采用了桌子原来的设计,给长度做了正确的调整,然后在表层加了木质压板,让它更耐用。它不仅可以居家用,也可以用在医院的儿童部或教室。”
he Saarinen womb chair was also reproduced in two sizes, the medium for older children at 75 per cent of the original size and the smaller one for children aged four to eight (priced from $2,898).
儿童款沙里宁(Saarinen)子宫椅(womb chair)也有两种大小,中号子宫椅大小是原款的75%,适于大龄儿童;小号子宫椅适于4至8岁的儿童(售价2898美元起)。
Ross Lovegrove’s Sprite chair also comes in two different sizes. The range is simple with bright colours and five different finishes. The mini Bertoia diamond chair is also popular, says Needle. This is often paired with Marcel Breuer’s low Laccio table.
罗斯•洛夫格罗夫的Sprite单椅也有两种不同的大小。Sprite单椅色彩鲜艳,种类简单,表面材质有5种可选。莉兹说,小号的别尔托亚钻石椅(Bertoia diamond chair)也很流行,它经常与马塞尔•布罗伊尔(Marcel Breuer)的拉齐奥茶几(Laccio table)搭配。
Sir Terence Conran, the British designer and retailer, is less persuaded of the merits of such miniature versions. “I definitely prefer children’s furniture that is designed for young people rather than mini versions of design classics – the Eames Elephant chair is a classic example of this,” he says. “They have used their classic design principles and created something children genuinely love.”
缩小版家具的优点不太能让英国设计师及零售商特伦斯•康兰爵士(Sir Terence Conran)信服。“比起缩小版经典设计,我绝对是更喜欢专为儿童计的家具——埃姆斯大象椅(Eames Elephant chair)就是一个典型的例子,”他说,“他们采用了经典设计的理念,又创造了一些儿童真正喜欢的东西。”
The Conran Shop’s thriving children’s furniture range includes Dutch designer Anne-Claire Petit’s colourful handcrafted stools (£350 each and available in two sizes) and the Lou Lou Ghost Chair by Philippe Starck – the French designer’s ironic take on the classic Louis XVI armchair.
康兰家具店(The Conran Shop)里儿童家具很畅销,包括安妮-克莱尔•珀蒂(Anne-Claire Petit)设计的彩色手工凳(售价350美元,有两种大小可选),和菲利普•斯塔克设计的圆背扶手椅(Lou Lou Ghost Chair),它是这位法国设计师为了讽刺路易十六(Louis XVI)式的经典扶手椅而设计的。
Also capitalising on the appetite for high quality children’s design is Sharon Elalouf, of Ash Design. She had worked as an interior designer in Paris and Miami but was struck by how limited the choice was for children’s furniture when she moved to London.
Ash设计公司(Ash Design)的沙伦•埃拉卢夫(Sharon Elalouf)也利用了人们对于高品质儿童家具设计的渴望。她曾作为室内设计师在巴黎和迈阿密工作,当她迁往伦敦时,发现儿童家具的选择十分有限,这令她十分震惊。
This led her and her business partner, Amanda Ibgui, to expand their company into a bespoke children’s interior design service: Little Ash Design. The two designers consult with the child or their parents on, for example, the child’s hobbies, what their interests are, what stories or television shows they like, and then the designers set to work.
这种情况促使她和业务伙伴阿曼达•伊布吉(Amanda Ibgui)把她们的公司扩展成为儿童室内定制设计,即Ash儿童设计公司(Little Ash Design)。这两位设计师会向孩子及其父母询问孩子的爱好、兴趣、喜欢的故事及电视节目,然后再开始着手。
“We try to find a very special piece of furniture, like a chair from one of the big Italian brands: the Cassina chair; a piece from Poltrona Frau or Kastel or Starck, and then we put on leather cushions. You can play with a lot of colours and give the room an accent,” says Elalouf. “We have a very high-end market – we target more made-to-measure, special items.”
“我们试着去找一件专门设计的家具,比如一把意大利名牌的椅子,如卡西纳(Cassina)的椅子,比如一件玻托那福劳(Poltrona Frau),或者卡斯特尔(Kastel),或者斯塔克(Starck)的家具,然后我们会加上皮革垫。你可以运用很多种颜色,赋予房间一种格调,”埃拉卢夫说,“我们的市场非常高端,我们更多面向的是特别定制的家具。”
Where they might deploy a motif and bright colours for younger children, such as the Volière lamp by the French designer Chalière, they might go to The Rug company for a rug by Alexander McQueen for an adolescent’s room.
她们会用图案或者鲜艳的颜色去装饰幼龄儿童的房间,比如用法国设计师沙利耶(Chalière)设计的鸟笼灯(Volière lamp),在十几岁孩子房间的同样位置,她们会放上一块在地毯公司购买的亚历山大•麦昆(Alexander McQueen)地毯。
“In a playroom we think of items that are easy to manage for kids; a lot on wheels such as American-style baskets. We are also keen on small monograms and writing,” says Elalouf.
Richard Woolfson, a child psychologist, says the type of style that would appeal to a child aged between four and seven diverges greatly from that of a teenager. This can raise problems when trying to design a room that can be adapted as the child grows up. Children under seven, he says, “look for bright interiors or cartoon figures; some type of childish motif or familiar pattern”.
儿童心理学家理查德•沃夫森(Richard Woolfson)说,4至7岁的儿童喜欢的风格与十几岁的孩子喜欢的风格相去甚远。在设计一间可以适应孩子成长变化的房间时,这些差异就会造成一些问题。他说,7岁以下的孩子“寻求的是色彩明亮的室内设计或卡通形象,一些儿童装饰画或常见的图形。”
“Then they look for comfort,” adds Woolfson. “The child will like a [high-end] chair visually – but it has to be comfortable and it has to fit them. They also like to be able to move furniture around.”
The Saya Mini chair, the child’s version of the iconic adult design, by Lievore Altherr Molina (LAM), fits into this category.
迷你萨雅椅(Saya Mini chair),即勒沃尔·阿瑟尔·莫利纳(Lievore Altherr Molina,LAM)为成人设计的经典萨雅椅的儿童版,就属于这种家具。
“Saya Mini was conceived with the aim of extending the notion of ‘comfort’ to children’s chairs,” says Claudio Feltrin, chief executive of Italian design company Arper, which collaborates with LAM. “Its playful silhouette makes it particularly suited to cheerful colour finishes, which children find attractive.”
“迷你萨雅椅的设计构思是,要将“舒适”这一概念延伸到儿童座椅上,”LAM合作商意大利Arper设计公司的总裁克劳迪奥•费尔特林(Claudio Feltrin)说道,“它的轮廓生动,尤其适合色彩鲜艳的装饰面,会受孩子喜欢。”
Children aged seven to 13, says Woolfson, will look for furniture that emulates adult life, whereas teenagers’ tastes will adapt to whatever the zeitgeist is.
For example, Little Ash Design themed one of its rooms on the hit US TV series Gossip Girl, while another room was rock music-themed, called “Rock my World” – a fit-out which cost more than $20,000 and featured a pair of Eames chairs.
例如,Ash儿童设计公司就以美国电视连续剧《绯闻女孩》(Gossip Girl)为主题设计了一套房间,另一套房间以摇滚音乐为主题,名字叫做“摇滚我的世界”(Rock my World),打造这套房间要花费两万多美元,其中配有一对埃姆斯座椅。
“I think the key point to consider when designing a children’s room is to keep the space adaptable and versatile,” says Conran. “Within the space of a dozen years, children grow, change and develop rapidly so when you plan the room you should be prepared for at least three very distinctive phases ... Less time, effort and money are wasted if you invest in furniture and fittings that are adaptable.”
Anne-Claire Petit says one factor that positively influences demand for her work is the fact that her designs are not only for children. This is partly because play areas are more integrated into the house nowadays, rather than confined to designated rooms.
“Yes [my products] are colourful and cheerful, but they also look good in the living room or anywhere else in the house ... Parents are happy to pay a little extra for items that add a nice touch to their interior,” she says.
Opinion is divided as to how important it is to create a good aesthetic in a child’s room. According to Woolfson, the key components that a parent should consider are visual appeal, comfort and functionality. Should one also add good design to this formula?
Arguably yes, says Conran. “I think good design is a fantastic thing to surround them with at an early age,” he says. “Is it essential? Probably not, but there is no doubt that many of our first impressions of colour, texture and pattern are formed here, so of course design plays a key role.”


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