






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-5-28 13:00| 查看数: 934| 评论数: 0|

The indictment on Monday of a group of Chinese military officers for allegedly conspiring to hack into the systems of five US companies and a labour union was a symbolic step and a significant moment in US-China relations.
The five defendants, whose online monikers included “UglyGorilla” and “KandyGoo”, are unlikely ever to set foot inside a US courtroom. Even if they were found guilty, this would do little to disrupt a vast network of hackers that includes military units and a broader cyber militia.
Yet the charges send a clear message that Washington will not continue to tolerate China’s massive and wide-ranging efforts to gain access to American trade secrets.
The scale of commercial hacking linked to Chinese entities is immense. The targets range from defence groups to oil majors to soft drinks companies. Such attacks are reckoned to cost the US economy as much as $120bn a year.
Since it is inconceivable that Beijing would hand over officers of the Chinese military to the US, emblazoning their faces on FBI wanted posters has little practical effect beyond limiting their ability to travel outside China. Still, the move sends an unmistakable signal. For years, US officials have been raising the issue of cyber attacks in private with their Chinese counterparts. But the hacking has continued more or less unabated. Now, American authorities have taken the issue public. It is an escalation – and surely a calculated one.
This week’s legal action is merely the first manoeuvre in what could be a protracted campaign. Prosecutors pointed out that, for the first time, their allegations detailed “specific actions on specific days by specific actors to use their computers to steal information from across our economy”.
Yet just as revealing were the details that the law enforcement agencies left out. The Chinese state companies that have allegedly been profiting from this wave of cyber espionage were not named in the indictment. If similar accusations were one day made against them, their ability to do business in the west could be harmed.
This week, the government brought charges in a Pennsylvania courtroom. Importantly, however, it retains the option of making similar claims in forums that have far greater importance to Beijing. For example, China has prospered from its membership of the World Trade Organisation. But with access to foreign markets comes an understanding that it is following the accepted rules. Similar litigation at the WTO could not be brushed off so easily.
This week’s prosecution came despite a string of positive encounters between the two states. Chinese military officers recently visited the Pentagon. There has been talk of creating new military hotlines and other forms of co-operation. But just as Beijing has hosted US officials while simultaneously showing off its newest jet fighters, Washington is highlighting that while it values good relations with China it also wants to be respected.
More broadly, the indictment marks a return to the US strategy on cyber espionage that had been severely disrupted by the revelations of former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden. A year ago, the issue of trade-directed cyber espionage was a major part of Washington’s agenda, both in direct talks with China and in its attempts to build a coalition with other advanced countries whose companies were being compromised by Beijing. Then came the Snowden affair, which left the US on its back foot. China will surely bring up the National Security Agency’s hacking in response to Washington. But the indictment shows that the US is not going to remain as passive as it has been for the past year.
从更广泛的意义上说,此次指控标志着美国网络间谍战略的回归——美国国家安全局(NSA)前合同工爱德华•斯诺登(Edward Snowden)的泄密行为极大地影响了这一战略。一年前,无论是在与中国的直接谈判中,还是在努力与其他发达国家——这些国家的企业正受害于中国的行为——建立联盟时,贸易领域的网络间谍问题都是华盛顿议程中的一个主要方面。随后就发生了斯诺登事件,美国的处境变得很不妙。中国在回应华盛顿时肯定会提到NSA的黑客行为。但此次指控表明,美国不会再像过去一年中那样被动。
No one should expect this indictment to bring hacking to an end. Espionage has been going on for as long as people have had secrets, let alone digital ones. For years, mass espionage has been a boon to China’s economy, allowing huge gains at little cost. This week, America took a key step towards changing that dynamic. Finally, such behaviour may begin to carry a price.


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