






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-5-29 13:00| 查看数: 683| 评论数: 1|

Ukraine’s government launched air strikes and deployed paratroops against pro-Russian militants who seized the city of Donetsk’s international airport as Moscow said it was willing to hold talks with Petro Poroshenko, the new president.
乌克兰政府向占领顿涅茨克国际机场的亲俄罗斯武装分子发动空袭,并出动伞兵部队予以打击。与此同时俄罗斯政府表示愿与新任总统彼得罗•波罗申科(Petro Poroshenko,见右图)展开对话。
The offensive yesterday, which brought fighting to within 10km of the centre of the biggest city in Ukraine’s industrial east, came just hours after Mr Poroshenko’s emergence as the clear winner of Sunday’s election. It also presented an immediate test to Russia’s willingness to engage with Kiev after an election that was hailed in Europe and the US as a chance to resolve the Ukraine crisis.
Earlier yesterday, the Russian government issued a cautious endorsement of Sunday’s vote, in which Mr Poroshenko won 54 per cent with more than 76 per cent of the ballots counted. But it warned him against resuming military operations, which Moscow’s foreign ministry said would be a “colossal mistake”.
Both foreign minister Sergei Lavrov and Sergei Ivanov, head of the presidential administration, said Russia would “respect the will of the Ukrainian people”. Mr Lavrov said Moscow was ready for dialogue with Mr Poroshenko.
俄罗斯外长谢尔盖•拉夫罗夫(Sergei Lavrov)和第一副总理谢尔盖•伊万诺夫(Sergei Ivanov)都表示,俄罗斯将“尊重乌克兰人民的意愿”。拉夫罗夫还说,俄罗斯政府已准备好与波罗申科进行对话。
Mr Poroshenko became the first Ukrainian to win a presidential election outright in a single round since the country’s first pro-independence president, Leonid Kravchuk, in 1991. His election was seen as crucial to starting to restore the legitimacy of Kiev’s leadership after the violent overthrow of ex-president Viktor Yanukovich in February.
自1991年乌克兰第一任支持独立的总统列昂尼德•克拉夫丘克(Leonid Kravchuk)当选以来,波罗申科是乌克兰第一位首轮投票即获得过半数选票的总统候选人。波罗申科当选被认为对恢复乌克兰领导层的合法性具有关键作用,此前在今年2月,乌克兰前总统维克托•亚努科维奇(Viktor Yanukovich)被暴力推翻。
The billionaire politician, nicknamed the “Chocolate King” for his confectionery business, promised to do everything he could to win the confidence of Russian-speaking Ukrainians in the country’s east, but said he would “not negotiate with terrorists”.
Mr Poroshenko described re-engagement with Russia as a top priority but declared that Ukraine and the international community would never recognise Moscow’s annexation of Crimea.
He said a meeting with Moscow was likely to take place in the first half of June, stressing “that would be not just to shake hands”. “Mr Putin and I know each other quite well. The last argument from Russia that Ukraine does not have a legitimate president has disappeared,” he added.
Dmitry Kozak, Russian deputy prime minister, said the two governments would hold talks on normalising rail links between Ukraine and Crimea. “The political process in Ukraine will probably change now,” Mr Kozak was quoted by Russian news agencies.
俄罗斯副总理德米特里•科扎克(Dmitry Kozak)表示,两国政府将就恢复乌克兰与克里米亚的铁路交通举行商谈。俄罗斯新闻机构援引科扎克的话表示:“乌克兰的政治进程现在很可能改变。”


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