






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-5-29 15:00| 查看数: 1101| 评论数: 0|

Apple is preparing a new software platform that would turn the iPhone into a remote control for lights, security systems and other household appliances as part of a big move into the “internet of things”, the next big battleground between dominant technology groups.
Apple plans to take on rivals Google and Samsung with a “big play” in the world of smart home technology at its Worldwide Developer Conference on June 2 in San Francisco, according to people familiar with the matter.
知情人士表示,苹果计划于6月2日在旧金山举行的该公司全球开发者大会(Worldwide Developer Conference)上,在智能家居技术领域针对竞争对手谷歌(Google)和三星(Samsung)作出“重大发布”。
This will reinforce the view, held by some in Silicon Valley, that Jetsons-style home automation is the next frontier in technology as growth in smartphone sales begins to slow in developed markets.
这将强化硅谷某些人的观点,即随着发达市场智能手机销售放缓,《杰森一家》(The Jetsons)风格的家居自动化将成为高科技领域的下一个前沿。
Apple’s coming move follows Google’s $3.2bn acquisition in January of Nest Labs, makers of internet-connected thermostats and smoke alarms, and Samsung’s recent debut of its Smart Home range of refrigerators, washing machines and TV that can be controlled from its smartphones and watches.
苹果在这方面采取行动之前,今年1月谷歌斥资32亿美元收购互联网温度计和烟雾报警器制造商Nest实验室(Nest Labs)。而三星最近刚刚推出其智能家居(Smart Home)系列产品,涵盖冰箱、洗衣机和电视机,这些产品可用该公司的智能手机和手表控制。
Apple’s integrated system will make it easier to set up and control new “smart home” devices. For example, a home’s lights might automatically come on when the owner enters the house, using their iPhone to signal their arrival wirelessly. Such a system was outlined in an Apple patent filing, published in November last year.
The connected-home system will give Apple customers more reasons to buy several devices in its iOS family, by using the iPhone or iPad in conjunction with its Apple TV box – an upgraded version of which is expected to be released later this year – to control other domestic devices.
这种联网家居系统将为苹果客户购买该公司几款iOS家族设备带来更多理由:这些客户可以将iPhone和iPad与苹果电视盒(Apple TV box)配合使用,以控制其他家用设备。预计今年晚些时候将发布苹果电视盒的升级版。


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