






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-5-30 14:00| 查看数: 688| 评论数: 0|

The aftershocks of EU elections that saw a surge in support for anti-establishment parties rippled across Europe yesterday with mainstream party leaders losing their posts and a battle building over the bloc’s top job.
The struggle over the EU’s future is due to be joined today, when leaders gather for dinner in Brussels to weigh the bloc’s new leadership. At least two prime ministers, Britain’s David Cameron and Hungary’s Viktor Orbán, were working to block the candidacy of veteran Brussels fixer Jean-Claude Juncker, frontrunner for the EU’s most high-profile post.
围绕欧盟未来的斗争今日将汇聚一处,各国领导人将在布鲁塞尔共进晚餐,商讨欧盟新领导层的人选。至少两名领导人——英国首相戴维•卡梅伦(David Cameron)和匈牙利总理欧尔班•维克托(Viktor Orbán)——正试图阻止欧盟资深斡旋者让-克洛德•容克(Jean-Claude Juncker,见上图)得到推选。容克目前是欧盟最引人注目职位的领先候选人。
José Manuel Barroso, the outgoing European Commission president, told a European Central Bank conference in Portugal that he was “extremely concerned” by the rise in support for anti-European parties, calling the elections “the biggest stress test ever for European institutions”.
即将离任的欧盟委员会(European Commission)主席若泽•曼努埃尔•巴罗佐(José Manuel Barroso)在葡萄牙举行的欧洲央行(ECB)会议上表示,他“非常担心”反欧洲政党的支持率上升,他形容这场选举是“欧洲机构有史以来经受的最大压力测试”。
Markets reacted calmly to the election result with the euro snapping a four-day losing streak to gain 0.2 per cent against the dollar. But the political fallout was building.
Mr Juncker, who headed the ticket for Europe’s centre-right Christian Democrats, staked his claim yesterday to the commission presidency, insisting he should get the job because his group emerged as the largest in the new parliament, despite steep losses to anti-EU parties.
Projections showed Mr Juncker’s centre-right European People’s party losing 59 seats but retaining its lead with 213 of the chamber’s 751 members. “I’m not on my knees,” he said. “I won the election.”
But Mr Cameron, who has promised to take the UK to a referendum on EU membership if he wins elections next year, began calling fellow leaders in an attempt to block Mr Juncker.
The former Luxembourg prime minister insisted the EPP’s most important leader, German chancellor Angela Merkel, had reassured him of her support in two phone calls. But in Berlin, Ms Merkel appeared to give Mr Juncker only a tepid endorsement.
曾任卢森堡首相的容克坚称,欧洲人民党的最重要领导人、德国总理安格拉•默克尔(Angela Merkel)已在两次电话通话期间表示支持他。但在柏林,默克尔似乎只是勉强地对容克表示支持。
Mainstream parties continued to suffer the consequences of the anti-EU backlash, with the leader of Spain’s centre-left Socialists resigning after his party polled only 23 per cent, and Ireland’s deputy prime minister stepping down after his Labour party, the junior coalition partner, finished fifth.
The surge of anti-establishment parties led to a scramble to rebuild anti-EU blocs in the parliament, with the two biggest populist groups – France’s National Front and Britain’s UK Independence party, which both secured 24 seats, making them the fourth largest in the assembly – vying for allies.
反体制政党的人气激增,促使这些政党筹划在欧洲议会里重建反欧盟集团,两大民粹主义政党——法国的国民阵线(National Front)和英国的英国独立党(UKIP)——都在物色盟友。这两个政党都获得24个席位,并列成为欧洲议会中的第四大党。


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