






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-5-30 14:00| 查看数: 821| 评论数: 0|

Four days after staging the 12th coup d'état in Thailand's modern history, Thailand's army chief Monday said he was working on establishing a body to govern the country, but declined to give a timeline for an election.
泰国近代史上第12次政变发生四天后,泰国军方领导人巴育(Prayuth Chan-ocha)周一表示,他正在筹备建立管理国家的机构,但拒绝给出选举时间表。
Gen. Prayuth Chan-ocha also warned that a crackdown on anticoup dissent would continue. He urged media organizations to accurately report developments and advised ordinary Thais to avoid posting inflammatory messages on social media, which has so far escaped the heavy censorship applied to television and radio networks.
Dressed in a white ceremonial uniform with gold-colored braiding for his first formal news conference since Thursday's putsch, Gen. Prayuth also said he had received royal endorsement for the military takeover from Thailand's constitutional monarch, King Bhumibol Adulyadej, which he described as a matter of protocol and tradition.
巴育身穿配金色流苏的白色军装出席了上周四政变以来的首次正式新闻发布会。他表示,他已经得到泰国国王普密蓬(Bhumibol Adulyadej)对军方接管国家的授权。
In some ways, the news conference and the royal endorsement were a way of formalizing the military's seizure of power. Gen. Prayuth took the stage with other senior officers to announce that he planned to help resolve the deep and often bloody divides between supporters of the ousted populist government and royalist demonstrators who for months have bristled at what they say is lingering influence of former leader Thaksin Shinawatra, a billionaire businessman who led the country until a previous coup in 2006.
在某种意义上,新闻发布会的召开和国王的授权是对军方掌权的正式确认。巴育在其他高级军官陪同下宣布,他希望化解被驱逐的民粹主义政府的支持者与保皇派示威者之间根深蒂固且常常导致流血的冲突。几个月来,保皇派一直抱怨泰国依然受前任领导人他信(Thaksin Shinawatra)的影响。亿万富豪他信在2006年遭遇政变后下台。
'We are planning to set up organizations to oversee wide-ranging reforms to address the country's past problems so that it can move forward in a peaceful and democratic fashion,' Gen. Prayuth said.
Mr. Thaksin's sister, Yingluck Shinawatra, was removed as prime minister earlier this month by a Thai court, while her successor was a former executive at one of Mr. Thaksin's companies.
本月早些时候,泰国军方发动政变,罢免了泰国总理英拉(Yingluck Shinawatra),接替英拉的是曾在他信名下一家企业中担任高管的尼瓦探隆(Niwattumrong Boonsongpaisan)。英拉是他信的妹妹。
It remains unclear exactly how the 60-year-old army chief intends to run Thailand, and how long he plans to be in charge.
Gen. Prayuth told reporters that the appointment of a new prime minister 'is in the plan', but declined to say who would fill that position or whether he would take on the role himself. Since the coup, Gen. Prayuth has taken on the responsibilities of the premiership.
Gen. Prayuth said discussions about a possible election are 'still in process' and that people would 'have to wait'. A time frame for any future ballot, he said, would depend on the country's security environment. He said that Thais protesting the coup or violating Thailand's strict laws on criticizing on the monarchy could face trial in a military court.
'I want to say that our country has problems and that we have to solve them,' Gen. Prayuth said. 'We are not aiming to seize power for ourselves, but there were reasons and it was necessary. I ask everyone to understand.'


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